Mantis Delivery!

Hello everybody! Its Cleo back with another blog! I hope you are all doing well on this fine Tuesday. I HAVE SOME BIG PET NEWS! Mummy’s mantises came today! It all started when i woke up and got on my PC to watch youtube or entertain myself and i suddenly saw Mummy come in with a big boxes which said ” FRAGILE! “I started screeching ” IS IT THE MANTIS IS IT IS IT? ” Then when Mummy opened it she saw not one but TWO MANTISES! I was shocked like WHAT?! She only ordered one but they gave us two because they were to kind. We got a bigger one and a smaller one. The breed of the smaller one was the Chinese mantis and the bigger one was the Malaysian blue mantis. Iv’e got to say the Malaysian blue mantis is very SPEEDY and mantises are suppose to be quite calm. The Chinese mantis was shy and calm but still attacked quite vicious. Before we put them in there little places for the morning of school we spent a few minutes looking for twigs to puts in the mantises containers so they had things to at least climb on. When I started playing sumdog whenever Mummy went downstairs for something I would just stare at the mantises and when i was staring the went upside down and the smaller one just sad there but thew bigger one walked around in circles! When it got to lunch i helped Mummy transfer the mantises into there new little houses and all the would do is just stare at you! It was sooo cute! Then later on Mummy let me hold them and the bigger one just SPED across my hand like it was the flash! The bigger one would also look at Mummy’s phone when she tried taking pictures. It would also try to grab it! The smaller one was a bit more shy and calm whilst the bigger one tried beating my thumb up! That’s all there really is about the mantises today! Also today was my Daddies birthday! We had a great day today and i hope you all did to! I will put picture of them up tomorrow that we took today!


By Cleo! 😀

School at home


Everyday is like a big Thursday, I dont have to wear uniform.  I have been planting seeds and watering them, I have done PE in the garden with Harry and Mum  and I have done some art. We have made rainbows for the windows and have been on rainbow hunts, we have found  over 40. I hope I get to do some 3d art this week. I miss the playground and the swing.  By Tumaini

This week I have played on sumdog and Tumaini has been teaching me how to draw a panda. I Miss skidding in the mud with Kye. By Harry



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Great posting guys!!

Miss Dale

Tuesday Madness!

Caspian is back again! Today in music we listened to Danse Macabre by Saint Saens and described what we thought the piece of music was about. We also identified the instruments in the orchestra.

I got really bored in maths, percentages, ugh! I eventually got it done and it was better when mum helped me.

In animal management, I rode my bike with my dog to exercise us both. We made sure no one else was about as we need to self isolate.

See ya tomorrow!

Home schooling!

Hi!  I hope everyone is doing well.Home schooling is going great,we started the day with  maths ,and after maths we did arts and crafts we used Fimo and made a few Easter eggs ! After lunch I hid them out side and Mena had to find them then she hid them for me to find but it was easy.We had great fun but I am missing you all. Bye !!from Oriana

Tuesday Lessons by Tanith 🌼

I found my work hard today but I did it in the end. Mummy and Mark helped me a bit. I did some maths, English and music. We also learnt about five types of flower and five birds of prey. Bye and see you soon.

Small sponge cake recipe


112g baking spread, 112g  caster sugar, 112g self-raising flour, splash of milk, 2 large eggs, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract and a pinch of salt.

  1. Heat oven to 180*C/160*C fan/gas 4. Put baking paper on a small cake tin.
  2. Using a  whisk, beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Crack the eggs in one at a time and whisk well. Add the flour, milk and a pinch of salt. Whisk until a mixture with little lumps in it.
  3. Put the mixture into a small pot or something like one and put it in the bottom of the oven and bake for 15-25 mins.
  4. Put a skewer into the middle of the cake. If it comes out clean then it is ready. Put chocolate spread or something like that on top.

By Skye.

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