Hi Everyone!

Wow! What busy bloggers you all are! I’ve really enjoyed reading all your posts. It sounds like you’re enjoying lots of the same activities as us…Lego building, baking, Joe Wicks workout(ouch!) and gardening. We’ve even managed to acquire some frog spawn so Joe, Sky and Freddie –  you will have to keep us posted on how yours are doing.

It’s great that so many of you are reading at home. I would love to hear what books you are all enjoying at the moment. You could mention them in your blog post or even write a book review.

I have put some information on the Share a Million stories page on the blog about how you can add your story shares from home.  We have until Sunday 29th March to add them so try and log on before then.

Take care everyone and keep sharing your learning with us.

Mrs Jardine

My Second Trip To The Woods

I told you about my first trip to the woods (Which was yesterday) now I will tell you about my second trip to the woods (Which is today.) I explained what the woods looked like and how you get to my and Charlie’s den. Today me and Charlie went together (only us again) and went to the den. there is something I forgot to mention for the last post, but when we got to the woods yesterday we wanted to make the fire so Charlie asked me to get his survival kit. Now back to today we remembered the kit this time but once we got there we made the fire again in the same circle, but now we both knew what we were thinking. DAMPERS! Dampers are a kind of bread you cook on a fire and they are SOOO YUMMY WITH JAM! So he sent me away to make damper doh at the house and bring it back. How you make dampers is you get warm water and pour it into plain flour and mix it up with your hands. Mum let me take oranges, peanuts, the doh, and JAM! Charlie had came home and we both walked back. Me and Charlie had two dampers with jam each and an orange and peanuts. After that we went to climb trees and found ourselves making a den for the kids ONLY. (maybe an adult too.) We jumped over the mud and sometimes going through it to get sticks for the den. There was a little burrow at the foot of the den and we imagined the a pine Martin lived there and tried to take blankets and table cloths from us to keep warm. We went home because we thought mum was telling us to come because the dog was barking like CRAZY. seriously, it was SOOOO loud you could hear it from a mile away! it turns out her friend came, the post man.

By Rhona



Archaeology and Nature

Hi, Caspian is back!

Today we had a nature class. As you can see from my picture, I drew and researched a golden eagle. Apparently the golden eagle makes friends in the air by interlocking their feet with other golden eagles and diving to the ground! My mum got the idea to do the class from yesterday when we were talking about birds of prey when we were out getting our exercise and fresh air. It was very interesting watching a programme about golden eagles to help my research.

I still HATE percentages but mum keeps giving me them to do until I get the hang of them.

In archaeology, we were pretending to be archaeologists from the year 3000. We looked at a household object each and talked about what they told us. I chose an xbox controller because its all I ever talk about! Tanith did her own underwear… cuckoo!! I liked the lesson but it got harder towards the end.

That’s all from me today, see you tomorrow!!

Going To The Woods

Twice I went down the woods near my home with Charlie and made a fire with him. I’ll tell you what the woods look like. It has a BIG slope with all sorts of burrows and holes, if you head down that way you will see a little bridge and go across. Once you are there you will see a log, jump over it and go straight forward. Next you will see a little dark path made of dirt, you go down the path and head left, then you will see a little fire circle, logs and tree stumps. Those are what you sit on. There. Now I will tell you about what we did.  Yesterday we made the fire. Charlie struck the flint and steel until the sparks caught fire. And if you are wondering yes we did do this with no one else other than with me and my brother. We had a little play, after a while we invited dad and my dog. My dog’s name is  Selkie, she had a great time exploring the woods and ignoring the apple cores we gave her. Dad quite loved the sort of camping area, but was worried we had made it too close to the pheasants feeders. we told mum and showed her a picture. She said it was fine. She couldn’t come because she was doing her back exercises. I’ll tell you the second trip to the woods in an other post.

By Rhona

Hi all esmae here. I have been doing my math, spelling and reading on sumdog. It has been a nice day today. I have been helping my nana plant some flowers in garden. We planted pansys and marigold 

Wednesday by Tanith

Today, I had my maths a bit hard but i got it in the end. I am doing number sequences and number partitions. I did more writing than for reading. I had an archaeology lesson. I chose an object and pretended i was an archaeologist from the future. I chose purple, spotty pants! I discovered lots of things about my pants. They were stitched together, different materials used – elastic, cloth, thread. I know who made them and where. I found out the size. Lots of things to discover just by looking at them and pretending I had never seen them before. I had a nature class. I drew the flowers i found on my nature trail yesterday. I labelled the flowers with all there different parts. Daisy daffodil dandelion ivy and buttercup. i have nearly filled my exercise book! Bye, see you tomorrow. Love Tanith x

Data Protection

Hi everyone,

Can you check when you post that only your first name appears on the post. If your e-mail address or full name comes up you have to change your profile.

Hit where it says Howdy.   Mine says Howdy, Miss Dale

If your doesn’t say just your first name you have to change it.

We sent all parents a how to do this through e-mail.  If you need help e-mail the school office – we need your log on and password to do this.

Then you can change your password afterwards!

Important to protect everyone.

We have mailed the local authority and Glow to let them know this is an issue.

Thank you, Miss Dale

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