Today I planted some seeds in my greenhouse. Nathan planted the seeds too. Then we put the plants on the greenhouse shelves. Later I baked a cake and put chocolate spread on it. Look out for it’s recipe!
By Skye
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Today I planted some seeds in my greenhouse. Nathan planted the seeds too. Then we put the plants on the greenhouse shelves. Later I baked a cake and put chocolate spread on it. Look out for it’s recipe!
By Skye
Today I have not been busy. I have done few things though. I will be playing some somdog tonight.
Have I done exercise?Let’s find out. Well actually I have. My dad said I have to do an hour of exercise every day so today I did a half an hour to and hour walk. My brother Stephen came with us to. We walked round my estate which is quite big. In the middle of the walk my dad bumped into someone. They talked for such a long time but they had such cute dogs. I wanted to carry on walking by my self but I would of probably gotten lost. My brother was way ahead at that point . After that we stoped at the football pitches and kicked the ball about for a wee bit. I learned how to scoop up the ball with my foot then it would go high into the air. We were doing that for about 15 minutes. Then we walked back to the house and chilled. That’s all we have really done today.
I am going to try and blog every day. See you later.
By Orla
Hello it’s Daisy, being locked in all I can do is listen to pod casts and rearrange my room. It may be the weekend but all I want to do is to go back to school! The internet keeps turning off randomly, leaving me stuck in my room. Although I think cooking or trying new food/desserts is always interesting to do! Sadly I have a cold but still trying to stay positive. Reading books is okay but I prefer watching Netflix while inside, although I do still try to get more exercises inside. Does anyone have any ideas for interesting activities, because I’m so bored! I guess it’s fun looking after my indoor plants, but not talking to everyone from school or just “normal” people! Drawing landscapes from outside my window in something I like to do in my morning, practice makes perfect!
Thanks for reading! Daisy
Hi guys! Its Cleo. I am trying to stay positive but i am already missing my friends and the teachers! I am not sure what we will do because all we can really do is stay in our houses and do school work,play with toys and eat food but i am trying to keep myself entertained. Next week will be a very happy week though because we are getting a pet mantis and a pet jumping spider but mummy says I need to tidy my room or i wont get the jumping spider! So Tonight after dinner i am going to have nearly a WHOLE hour of tidying my room because its very messy… Well i’m excited to hear what all you guys are going to be doing over the weeks because right now i have mixed emotions and i think reading what my friends have done would cheer me up a little more! Well i hope i will get to see you all either after Easter or before!
By Cleo!
Me and my mum have been planeting basil chilli pepper and beetroot. I have to care for them along with the planet the school gave me lettuce.we have to rember to water them and give them sunlight.We have five planets witch are one lettuce one beetroot two basil and one chilli And with the help of my mum we can do i
Who are u guys cant wait to here all about it
So I’m just siting here watching master chef with Josie, papa, granny, mum and my dog. Josie is eating a whole kiwi including the skin! Mum is siting on her phone my dog is laying on the couch snoring, papa is asleep so is my granny. Were hoping that papa will get the bikes out the garage so we can go on a cycle run in the fresh air.
Hope you are all having a nice day.
Hi, Caspian is back! I have been taking care of my two cats, Matty and Ludo. I told you about Ludo yesterday; he is the one with the broken pelvis, and Matty has huge fur balls on his neck which need shaving off. We tried cutting them off yesterday and nearly succeeded. Also yesterday, Matty slept on my pillow with me. I think Ludo would have done the same but he is in a cage to restrict his movement while his injury mends (he was knocked down by a car last Saturday).
I will try and post every day. I hope my mum likes her Mother’s day present. I am also a bit bored because my batteries ran out on my xbox controller. We are in twelve weeks self isolation now because mum has severe asthma and is recovering from an operation. We are helping her make hand sanitizer for the whole village and we are baking a lot of cakes. We gave our neighbour a carrot and orange cake yesterday. If you would like some hand sanitizer and have a plastic bottle, please drop it by our house so we can fill it for you. The ingredients have not been delivered yet though.
See ya tomorrow.
I am Tanith. I taught my cat Romily how to spell her name , cute, pencil and pizza. Then we learnt some maths.
I never thought I was going to that board but I am ssssssssooooooo board I am already missing my friends I am so sad that we are most likely never going to see the p7 ever again and we are also going to miss sports day and week in the woods I love it when we climb up the trees. On big Thursday miss brockodonald and me and my friend jack we where climbing up trees when I was up the tree I Saw the biepass.
Yesterday our school closed and we had to say bye to the p7s we will miss them we all hope we will see them soon and I will miss the teachers . Gotta go have a great day