Wk ending 6th September 19

We have been learning all about the Titanic and the history of our character. We have been finding out who they were, why they were on the ship, what class they were, if the survived or died on the ship and if the survived, what happened to them after the sinking.

We have found out some really interesting facts and information. Ask us about what we found out at home tonight!

We have also been learning about fractions and how to find fractions of a whole number. We are all working hard and using a growth mind set to tackle new and challenging learning!.

In science we have been finding out about the science behind why things float and sink. We were interested to work out why huge ships are able to float and why they can sink, like the Titanic. We are also interested to find out what lessons were learned from the sinking to ensure it won’t happen again.

We are excited to find out more and keep diaries about our characters experiences on the ship. 

We have also been practicing mindfulness techniques to get us in a positive place to learn. 

We have also been learning about improving our writing, we have been looking at features writers use to engage our interest.  We indentified figurative speech in picture books and then classified them so we can use these features in our own writing. 

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