Week beginning 24th

we have had a busy week in Primary 7!

As part of our Great Scots project we studied a great scot of our choice for  homework. We used  our research, note taking and presentation  skills to demonstrate our knowledge. We then had to present our work to the rest of the class. They gave us some helpful feedback/ feed forward to let us know what we can do to improve on for the next time we present to others.

We have been report writing this week, we were reporting on an aspect of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We reported on the Glasgow School of Art burning down, his death and how he has impacted on the world of Scottish art.

We applied and developed our word processing skills to create a newspaper report.  

Our learning about probability continues…

We are now applying our learning to real life problems!

What are the chances of getting a red jelly baby ? A pink party ring? A green skittle?

We conducted a trial, worked out the  chances and wrote a statement describing the  probability.

This week P7 have been learning all about probability. We ran trials to demonstrate the chances of  a coin landing on heads or tails or a dice landing on each side. We recorded our results. We found out that the more times we flipped the coin or rolled the dice the more even the results.