14.01.19 – 18.01.19

Here is our class blog from last week (w/b 14.01.19):

In maths this week, we will continue to use out understanding of multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000, as we look further at converting between units of measurement.

We will also begin to look at some of the key battles in Scotland’s history as part of our topic work, with our writing linking into this.

07.01.19 – 11.01.19

Welcome to P6R’s first blog post of 2019!

Here is what we have been up to during our first week back:

Here are some photos of us showing our presentations to the class, as we taught them about water use on the different continents:

Next week, we will continue learning about area in maths, before moving on to looking at perimeter.

We will also begin our new topic! All will be revealed soon…