22.10.18 – 26.10.18

Here is our summary of what we have been doing in P6R this week:

Next week, we will continue to have a focus on division in maths, and spend time practising our times tables to support us in this work.

We will be developing our work for the Mock Court project, beginning to look at our debates and production of evidence.

Preparations for Rookie Rockstars will also be happening in school every day next week – it sounds like a very exciting project to be involved in!

08.10.18 – 12.10.18

Here is our class blog for this week:

When we return after the holidays, we’ll be building upon our understanding of multiplication and division in maths.

In writing, we will continue to work on writing newspaper reports on a variety of topics.

Our Mock Court Project continues after the holidays, and we will all be working on our different roles as part of this.


PE kits have been sent home to be washed over the holidays, if possible. Could these please return to school on the first day back.


Hope you have a lovely October Week!

01.10.18 – 05.10.18

A different style of blog this week!

In P6R we have been working on data handling in maths this week. We have been collecting our own data, learning how to interpret a variety of types of graphs, and are beginning to learn about the range, mode, and median. We will continue to build on this learning next week.

In writing, we did our writing assessment, using all of the descriptive language skills which we have been learning over the last few weeks as we wrote an imaginative story about a castle.

For our topic learning, we researched and created posters about the different political parties in the UK. We had to find our information such as their leader, logo, and most recent manifesto. We will present our learning to the rest of the class next week.

Hope you have a good weekend!