27.08.18 – 31.08.18

Here is a snapshot of what we have been doing in P6R this week:

Next week, in writing, we will consider how to introduce and describe a character in our story and we practise using descriptive language.

In maths, we will continue to work on chimney sums to better understand the process of carrying and borrowing numbers in increasingly challenging sums.

Welcome to P6R! (20.08.18 – 24.08.18)

Welcome to our first post on P6R’s class blog!

This week we have been spending time getting back into the school routine and recapping some of last year’s learning after our seven week break. We have also been considering our class and personal aims and expectations for Primary 6.

Here are some of the things which we have been doing this week:

Next week, we will beginning our first class topic – to be revealed soon!