The last week of term

This week we have finished our class novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. We have enjoyed discussing the themes and issues that have raised from it. We have watched the film today to enable us to compare the novel and the film. We have noticed my differences between the two.

During RSHPE lessons, we have been thinking about stereotypes and gender issues. We have had thought provoking discussions about these current issues. We also learned about how babies are born, thinking about the different ways that can happen.

In maths, we have been working on time. We have used timetables to work out duration and we have been converting between 12 and 24 hour time.

For spelling this week we were working on some revision of previous rules. We took part in a variety of active tasks to help with our revision of these words and rules.

We are looking forward to the spring holidays. We hope that you all enjoy the next two weeks. Enjoy Mother’s Day and don’t forget to put your clocks forward on Sunday as well!

Long time no see!

This week, we have been working incredibly hard on a variety of tasks and activities.

This morning, we were looking at instructional writing. We thought about the key features of instructions and created a set of instructions together as a class based on making a paper aeroplane. Next, we tried to follow the instructions to create a aeroplane. You can see how successful we were on the school twitter account (in slo mo)!

We have been continuing to read our class novel which is ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’. We have had lots of discussions and conversations about what has been going on in the book and researching actual events happening around that time.

In maths this week, we have been working on time. We have been using timetables, looking at time durations and converting between 12 and 24hr time.

We finished our dance in PE which was based on the Scottish Wars of Independence. We enjoyed creating this piece.