If you are reading this, HI!


We have had an another very busy week.
We have started our new class novel which is called “Out of theĀ  Depths” by Cathy MacPhail. We have read the first few chapters and it seems funny, exciting and weird.

We have been thinking about our fitness in PE and have been doing long runs and working on our pace and stamina.

We have started our mini Space topic. We did a KWL to think about our prior knowledge and we have been researching the planets.

In writing, we had a focus on setting and using our senses to help with the description. We were using an image as a starting point and built our story around that.

We are looking forward to the Meet the Teacher next Tuesday and showing some of the work that we have completed so far this term.

First week back

Hello all,

We have had a very busy first week back at Redwell. We have managed to line up at the correct wing, make our way round the school and survive the week in primary 6.

We have been completing a variety of different tasks, such as maths games, writing and ERIC.

We have been writing letters to our future selves for a time capsule that we will open at the end of the year. We found this rather difficult to think about the tense that we should be writing in.

Throughtout the week, we have been doing mental agility tasks and working on a variety of skills to help with that.

The PE days for P6H are Monday, Thursday and Friday. We have art with Mrs Barron on a Tuesday.

Please remember to send water bottles on a daily basis as it can be warm in school.

We will keep you posted throughout the year with all the goings on in class.

Mrs Hunter and P6H