Venn diagrams and Presents!

We have been thinking lots about maths this week. Mrs Hunter was given a present this week, she was very excited! We were given a new deluxe hundred square for the wall. We will be discussing about the different areas to add to our numeracy wall.

We have read some more of our class novel and read a book about ADHD. This will help us with our empathy and understanding of different conditions. We will be reading more books from this series over the next few weeks.

We were creating Venn diagrams to compare and discuss different books. This will aid our comprehension and learning in reading.

The Hopeless Case and Famous Scots!

So we have now selected our new class novel, if you have been keeping up with twitter, you will have seen the selection of books we were picking from. The class voted and we picked, drum roll please…… The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas!!! We have been reading lots so far and know all about the main characters and the hopeless case (Gretal)!

For topic this week, we have been presenting our personal projects on famous Scots that have been influential in society. We have all be confident in sharing our learning and answering questions from our peers.

Enjoy the holiday week, looking forward to hearing about all of the fabulous things that you get up to!

Welcome to February!

Hello everyone, welcome back to another exciting blog from P6H!

Our class novel has been ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio. We have been learning about empathy , courage and friendship. Today, we finished the book and no one cried during the last few chapters. As a class, we have enjoyed going on the journey with August. we will update you on our new class novel next week!

During a session on the laptops this morning, we had a variety of tasks to choose from. We could work on our word processing skills and rewrite our stories, we could work on our mental agility on Sum Dog and using Glow to email and create PowerPoints. Many of us, have now added Mrs Hunter on SumDog and decided to kindly send her a “few” gifts!

Some of us,  have been training and practising for the upcoming Gymfest on Sunday at Alva Academy! We wish #RedwellCircus all good luck.

This week, we have been further researching the many battles of the Scottish Wars of Independence. We have created posters and used primary and secondary sources for our research. We have been finishing off our personal projects on famous Scots that we will be presenting to the class next week.

See you all next week! Bye!