Tag Archives: P2S

Celebration of Scots Song and Verse

P2S have been working SO hard to learn our Scots songs for the infant Burn’s Supper. Here is a wee snapshot of our braw singing!

Skyscraper Wean

Ye canny shove yer Granny aff a bus!

Primary 2 Blog

Some of the children chose books to bring back to school and read during our class story time.
Some of the children chose books to bring back to school and read during our class story time.

P2S were out and about in the local community again this week! We visited Tullibody library and had a look at all of the wonderful books that they have to borrow. The children are looking forward to visiting again next month!

"I liked the library because it had lots of different books that we don't have in the class" - Brooke
“I liked the library because it had lots of different books that we don’t have in the class” – Brooke