P1D – Miss Davis

Welcome to Primary 1D!

Welcome to the start of the new session 2018/19. I am looking forward to the year ahead in Primary 1!

Parent/carers – please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

I can be contacted by letter, through the school office or at the door at 3pm.

Homework will start in due course. This will be given out on a termly basis and will include a range of activities, games and family learning experiences.

Important Information!

Our gym days are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

Please ensure pupils gym kit is clearly labelled and in a suitable bag. Earrings should be removed, if possible, or taped before coming to school.

It would also help your child greatly if they do not wear a tie to school on gym days.

Please let your child know when they have a letter/form in their bag to give to me. I will collect these each morning at 9.00am when the register is taken.

Pupils should bring a water bottle filled with plain water to school each day (no juice please!)


Outdoor Learning

We will be taking learning outdoors in all weather. Please could your child bring a pair of clearly labelled welly boots to school which we will keep in the classroom. Can you ensure your child has a jacket with them every day and a hat, scarf and gloves in the colder weather.

Keep up-to-date with all of our learning in P1D by following the school twitter (@abercrombyps) and facebook account.

Search for #P1Dsuperstars on twitter to find our posts.

Thank you,

Miss Davis

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