Wee Feet – Big Footprint

P7S have been learning all about our little country Scotland and the big impact some of its people have had on the world!

Last week we looked at different Scottish Inventors and Miss Stark set us the challenge to become inventors ourselves. Take a look at some of our awesome creations below.

The Speed Watch –  by Alistair & Rory

“This device will help you get from A to B in no time. Download the App on to your smart phone and choose which speed you would like to travel at – anything from 10 to 90 miles per hour. (Don’t worry your legs won’t even hurt after either!)”

Weight Loss Watch – by Rory & Cole

“Ever find yourself trying to lose weight but having no success? We have just the thing for you! This watch is designed to ZAP! you anytime you dip into that biscuit tin or if you’ve been sitting around to long. You will be up and eating healthy in no time!”

The Chompy by Stephen & Wyatt

“Postmen can take a long time to deliver letters so we came up with a machine that will deliver your mail much quicker. You just put the item inside, type in the address and off it flies”

Dog Walker 2018 – by Sophie & Angel

“We made an electronic dog walker that is controlled using a little remote. The blue part attaches to you dogs lead and you can sit back and control your dog from far away (about a mile).”

Turbo Pencil 3000 – by Meadow & Glen

“The pencil that does all your work for you! Turn it on, sit back and talk to your pencil to get it to write. No more sore hands from writing really long stories!”

Wappa Zappa Food Machine! – by Zhara & Laura

“A self-cleaning, automatic, super speedy food maker! Just use the keys at the top to type in what you want then press the big green button. Voila! Any type of food right before your eyes in just 60 seconds!”

Hair-o-matic! – by Chloe & Zoey

“This machine will stop you having to wait for ages to get your hair done in a hairdressers. You just have top select what style you want – curly? straight? braids? anything! – then pop your head inside. In just 40 seconds you will have the hair of you dreams!”


Life is a Hair-do! – by Skye & Carrie

These 3 magical products are the best thing in hair care! Our lovely orange bottle “Regrow” Will bring back anyone’s hair at any time, for good! Our Pretty pink bottle “Designer Pink” will give you any hairstyle you want, from wavy to straight, high pony tail to big bouncy curls! Our final beautiful blue bottle ” Life Long Blue” will dye your hair any colour you wish for as long as you want it!”

Sun Cream Machine 2018 – by Mia, Daisie & Leo

“We know that nobody likes putting on sun cream, and now you don’t have to. Thanks to this wonderful invention. Just pop inside this machine press go and get covered in sun cream from head to toe. Perfect!”

Marking Machine 3000 – by Poppy & Olivia

“Teachers everywhere, stop what you are doing and listen up! This machine is designed to do all of your marking for you! Just type in your answers once using the lovely keyboard, pop your jotters on to the scanner and sit back. The machine will display a score and light up to show right and wrong answers. It even picks up the messiest of handwriting! Comes with a lifetime guarantee!”


We all worked so hard on our inventions and presented them beautifully to the class in a Dragon’s Den fashion. Tomorrow we find out which invention has won! Stay Tuned.

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