Category Archives: Curriculum Areas

Saving Water at Home

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

Today I am going to show you some photos of things I have been doing at home to save water, can you tell me what you have been doing? You can copy the link of your sway in the comments so we can see or simply attach a photo or drawing to your comment.

Saving Water at Home
Hello Everyone! It is very nice to be writing to you all, I hope you’ve been having lovely week and kept safe.
Go to this Sway

Looking forward to your answers.

Miss Maturana.

Literacy Hot Syllables Challenge Grid 1

Hello Everyone, Thursday already where has this week gone !

Today i tried the Literacy Hot Syllables Challenge, you can see my attempt below on the video but don’t worry I have sounded them out you  still need to count them!

As I am aware you may not have come on to that challenge yet !

This is my first video,  I thought about practising over and over again with recording my voice and then I thought you guys might like to see my progression with my Talking Skills the more videos I make.

The website I used for the free printable fonts can be seen below however  I am sure there are many many more on offer online.

Hope you enjoy!


Well-Being Wednesday w/ Mr Mutch #1

Mr.Mutch’s Learning Journal

My P2s know that Wednesdays are special, they even have a special name. We call them Well-Being Wednesdays, at school we try to cover our Health and Well-Being topics on that day. So, I was thinking how do I do that for the blog.

Taking inspiration from all the lovely colouring I’ve seen,  I’ve had some time to myself and coloured in my own Johanna Basford colouring page. It was very detailed and my pencils were not small enough, although it was difficult it was really relaxing.

Because this is all quite new to us all, I want to record what I am doing in many ways just like you are doing in your journals and on sway.

I’ve decided to cover my journal with a blank sheet of paper and for each day I’m going to put a small doodle or picture to mark something that happened that day. I can’t wait to see how it looks in a few weeks time. It could be my own personal where’s wally.

My first few drawings are; 1 – Day one it all started 2 – My Thumper story and 3 – Today I made some yoghurt bark.

If you want to join in, it would be great to see pictures of them in the coming weeks and if you start now you can easily catch up, its only been three days.

Happy Doodling on this Well-Being Wednesday.


Numeracy Grid 1 – Resources for Parents – Mild challenges

In school numeracy is often taught using practical materials, in particular numicon and ten frames.

Ten frames

A ten frame is a rectangle split into 2 rows and 5 columns.

It is used to show numbers that are less than or equal to 10.

Placing objects on the frames helps children to visualise different ways to represent numbers.

You could download and print the ten frame sheet below from Twinkl



make your own.

An empty egg box can be a great 10 frame.

It is a great way to help children organise amounts to count.


The links below open free resources from the numicon website that I find helpful, although I do recognise that you might not have access to a printer.





How to make your own numicon – a bit fiddly but a great measuring activity for older children.



Numeracy Grid challenge – Mental Maths activities – Spicy Level but suitable for all

Have you managed to do any maths this week. Don’t forget all those practical tasks you are doing at home already use maths in them. We have finally found the time to bake in the Flockton house and we are playing Monopoly which is getting a little heated at times!!!

Some teachers may have some Sumdog activities for  those of you that use it in class but feel free to try out other maths apps and websites as well as your practical activities such as weighing or measuring.

Here are a few suggestions –

‘Daily 10’, you can chose all sorts of areas of maths and change the challenge level (Free online)

Multiplication tables – ‘DK Multiplication’ is a hit in our house (Free app)

Carol Vorderman is providing maths tutorials online for those working at the Hot stage.

Most pupils should be familiar with ‘Topmarks’ games (Free online)

P3 love BBC Supermovers, this has songs to dance to and includes everything from Addition to Multiplication. It’s also a little easier than Joe Wicks!!!

We all have our favourite games but leave a comment to share your favourite maths related game (Virtual or not) We might all be reminded of some favourites.


Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Animals

Miss Deans will be playing – Cycle Race 

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.