Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Feel-Good Friday – Fun with Fruit and Veg

For the final day of our Health Fortnight, I thought we could have a bit of fun.  You know how adults always tell you, “Don’t play with your food”?  Well, now’s your chance!

Today’s Feel-Good activity combines creativity with imagination AND healthy food.  Have you guessed what it is yet?

Your challenge is to make a fabulous creature using only fruit and vegetables.

Have a look!

Do remember to ask for an adult’s permission before taking any food to do this activity,  and make sure that you are being supervised if you are using any sharp kitchen utensils.

If you would like to email me photos, I can make a Sway to show everyone what you have created.  Have fun!

Thumper Time!

How healthy is Thumper?

Do you know how much Thumper has grown?

How much he is eating now?

What has he been up to?

Here are the answers to some questions that I have been asked about Thumper.


Would you be able to answer these questions now?


Thumper was born on the 29th February.

How old is he now?


Thumper was about 65cm tall when he was born. This measurement was taken from his feet to the top of his back.

Look at the pictures in the Sway to work out how tall he is now.


How he has grown!

When he was born his pen was 3 metres by 1.5 metres in area.

His pen is now 3 metres by 3 metres in area.

What is the area of his pen?


Did you notice that he is quite a milk guzzler!

How much milk does he drink now?


What does he enjoy crunching on?

First Aid with Mrs Webster- Health and Wellbeing

Hello Everyone, Happy Thursday.

We would love to hear if any of you have been practising your FIrst Aid skills from looking at Mr Reid’s post last week or if you have done  this independently.

I thought , who better to tell us about First Aid than one of our PSA’s; Mrs Webster.

Please have a look at her poster information below that she has created to help you remember about first aid and their role in the playground.


Anagrams – Fruits and Vegetables

Good morning, everyone.

As it’s the last week of our Health Fortnight, I thought I would choose something healthy for my Literacy challenge.  All the answers to today’s anagrams are names of fruits and vegetables.

If you haven’t tried working out an anagram before – it’s easy!  Just unscramble the letters in each question to form the name of a fruit or vegetable.  I find the easiest way to do this is to write down all the letters in random order on a piece of paper.  You can also cut them up and rearrange them that way, moving them around until you work it out.

Click on the Sway to take part.  Good luck!

Breathe In, Breathe Out – Science Activity

Boys and Girls,

It has been health week in our blog for the last 2 weeks and what amazing activities we’ve had to explore different ways to keep healthy. Have you thought what our body does while you are doing all the challenges from the grid? Well, there is an important organ that keeps your body receiving oxygen so you can keep moving around.

 Can you guess which organ I am talking about? Well done, the lungs.

Every time you do a physical activity your muscles and organs need oxygen so they can keep moving. When you breathe in, air flows through the blood going all around your body and then when you breathe out, you release it as carbon dioxide (something our body does not need). Do you know what organ pumps the blood all around our body? The heart. So every time you are running fast you will breathe fast and you will feel your heart pumping fast too, that is because they both need to keep up at the same level so you can do any activity you want.

Click the green link if you want to know more about this process, there are some activities you can do too: BBC Bitesize: How do humans breathe?


Do you want to see how lungs work inside us when we breathe? Let’s make our lungs then!



  1. 2 straws
  2. Scissors
  3. 2 plastic bags
  4. Sellotape
  5. Drawings of the lungs, mouth and nose.


Step 1

Tape the straws at the top and at the bottom as shown in the photo.

Step 2

Glue or double stick tape your nose and lips to the straws.

Step 3

Tape your bag to each lung, tightly so no air escapes.

Step 4

Tape your lung printable to the back of the straws. Like on the photo, now your lungs are ready!


Explore how your just made lungs work, you have to be very gentle. After you have tried them, can you explain:

  1. What happens when you breathe in (put your hand on your chest) and now try with the lungs you made.
  2. What happens when you breathe out (put your hand on your chest) and now try with the lungs you made.
  3. How do you know your body needs more air?
  4. Describe what happens to your breathing and your  lungs when doing different exercises from the grid.
  5. Comment your thoughts, write them on your learning journal or add them to your sway.

Ms Maturana

Health Heroes Final Guests No6 Finale #LetsGetClapping

Hello Everyone,

Over the last two weeks, we have seen a range of Health Heroes that I am sure we have all taken something away from. I am so glad you have enjoyed tuning in each day to find out who we have had.

I’d like to round up our Health Heroes campaign with I am sure you will all agree Heroes that in my eyes are Heroes every minute of our day and lives: the NHS.

Please find below a video from Mrs Anne-Marie McGrath ( Ruairidh and Eilidh’s mum) who throughout her night shift at Aberdeen Hospital was able to record this for us.  I would like to personally thank her for taking the time to record this video for us on behalf of herself, Aberdeen Hospital and the wider community of NHS staff.

WIthin in our school and wider community we have a range of key workers and NHS workers who we would like to dedicate this post to for all their hard work during this time.

When we clap tonight as we do every Thursday, we clap for a wide range of NHS and key workers, as Anne-Marie says in her video boys and girls give yourself a clap too!

We also have another set of Health Heroes, Alex and Adam McDonald participated in a World  Sepsis Awareness video at Aberdeen Hospital that they would like to share with you. Well Done Boys.




MILD: Literacy & HWB: Sky High… Ready for Lift Off!

Time for the final addition to our Photography or Drawing activity.

So far we have looked at our ambitions and our own personal qualities and skills. Much like our Health Heroes, they didn’t reach their ambition on their own they needed support.

That is our focus today…

Follow the Sway below to learn about our final addition to the project.

When you are ready you can follow the writing task, there are sentence starters provided if you would like.

Remember to share with your teachers on Seesaw, Email or comment on the blog.

House Captain’s Sports Day Speeches

Hello Everyone, our Sports Day is almost here whether you have started your grid or not our house captains would like you to hear their speeches  to motivate you to do your best this week and earn some much needed house points 🙂






Health and Wellbeing – Yoga

Hello everyone,

Yoga is great for the body and mind. Physically, it can improve our flexibility, strength and coordination. In addition, our concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation can improve.

More than one million children do yoga, mindfulness and relaxation with Cosmic Kids –

Why not try some activities and let us know in the comments how you get on! Here is a direct link to all the activities provided by Cosmic Kids –