Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

New Learning Grids for 21st April-1st May

Welcome Back Methlick School! – let’s get back to learning together online!

Enjoy challenging yourself to complete some activities from a choice of the 3 grids for this week.



Numeracy (1)

Remember we all believe that having a growth mindset is very important so the activities are organised into levels.



and Hot!

Where will you start this term?

Let’s try many attempts, leap into the learning pit and learn from our mistakes to achieve GREAT things!

The teachers will be sharing their attempts!

Keep checking the blog and please leave COMMENTS so we can stay connected.

Thank you.

Mrs Fraser and the teachers!

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Happy Easter

Hello everyone,

Thank you for joining me on my Music Journey over the last two weeks and all the best for the Easter Holidays.


What has been your highlight from the last two weeks? For me, it has definitely been interacting with so many of you on a daily basis. I know that all of the teachers have thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you have all been up to.

I have uploaded one final song that is from my favourite movie. Hope you enjoy and have a great Easter break!

Take care,

Mr Reid

Feel-Good Friday

Good morning everyone.  Are you all looking forward to the Easter holidays?  Hopefully the weather will stay good so that you can get into the garden for some outdoor learning.

I’ve changed the name of my Friday challenge, as I thought ‘Feel-Good Friday’ sounded better than ‘Crafty Friday’, so that’s what it will be called from now on.

Mrs Flockton’s ‘Design a Garden’ challenge made me think about an activity that I used to enjoy doing as a child, and I thought you might like to try it too.

Click on the Sway to find out more …

I hope you enjoy the activity.  Remember to take a photo of your creation and either email it to me or stick it in your Learning Journal.

Have a lovely break and I’ll be back with more fun challenges for you to try after the holidays.

Happy Easter!

Outdoor Learning Grid 1: Mild Challenge: Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

Which rainbow colours are outdoors at this time of year?

Print off the sheet in the mild links and add double sided sticky tape


use an egg box to collect items in 


make your own collection sheet to hunt for items to match the colours of the rainbow.

If you collect leaves and petals you could have a go at pounding them with a hammer or rubbing them onto a piece of thick paper to collect rainbow colours.

Take care, ask an adult for a safe tool to use.

“Yesterday morning when the sun was shining and it was dry I went outside and searched for rainbow colours and…”

Look through the sway below to find out more about what I did.


Well-Being Wednesday #2 Journal Entry: Mild

I thought I would share with you all a journal entry I did following the sentence starts for Mild from last Thursday. It has been quite strange the past week with lots of sudden changes to our normal routine. This has been quite challenging and once or twice I have forgotten what day it is. But on Thursday I went for a very long walk and counted so many beautiful rainbows in the people’s windows. Then in the evening I wanted to take part in #clapforourcarers but didn’t know what would happen at 8pm.  It was so lovely to open my lounge window and clap with so many other people with cheering and chanting. It was the first time that week that I had really interacted with other people.

How has your Journal Writing gone? Are you writing daily / every few days?


Mr.Mutch’s Journal Entry

I also shared with you my idea of documenting this time on my journal cover, so I thought I would share with you how it is looking so far, is anybody else doing a doodle cover?

Mr.Mutch’s Doodle Journal Update

Growing Challenge by the Eco Group and Mrs Flockton

Hello all and especially to my Eco Committee,

Maybe with some time at home you have been able to plant some seeds this year. I had just broken the news to Mrs Taylor that P3 were going to plant lots of seeds in class when they announced the school closures so P3 never had the chance in the end. We also had a delivery of seed potatoes from One Seed Forward so I will plant those at home and come up with a plan for use when we all return.

Anyway, we have been busy planting our own seeds and I have included some photos below, these were planted for a Spring Fayre at my daughters school so looks like we will have to make room for lots more in the greenhouse. We have planted some unusual varieties this year including pink and black tomatoes and yellow courgettes. Let me know what you are planting and there is even a wee prize for anyone who can guess the mystery plant on the second last picture.

Finally,  I have a Challenge task not on the grids to design your own “Perfect Garden”. This could either be drawn, designed on the computer or made up from magazine images. For those of you at Brownies you could get started on your Gardening badge with these tasks or let me know if you have started any others (Scouts or Guides too). You can upload a photo or comment telling us what you are doing but please stay safe when sharing this.


Fischy Music: Monday assembly singalong.

At our assemblies we sing a lot of Fischy music songs. They sing songs about feelings and I think it would be great if you listened to them and sang along sometime.

Some of you might like to join in their Assemblies online each week. See if you recognise some songs . My favourites are: YOU ARE A STAR , WELCOME EVERYBODY, and KEEP THE BLUES AWAY. What’s yours ?

Click on the link and Sing out loud 🙂