Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

HWB – Mild – BEE Kind Badge Design

During Eco fortnight we have encouraged you to

  • wander in the wild and wonder
  • learn about dandelions and bees
  • think about the wellbeing of bees
  • take part in the Pollinator Promise


Our final health and wellbeing challenge is

to design a badge that we could use on the blog to encourage others to keep dandelions and grow pollinators

  1. THINK about the things you have learned that we need to do to be kind to bees.
  2. WRITE a BEE KIND Checklist
  3. PLAN your design to include the items on your BEE KIND Checklist
  4. CREATE!

We are really looking forward to seeing your designs.

Go for it BUSY BEES!

If you need some ideas to get you started have a look at the SWAY.

Mild Literacy – Reading – Dragon Tea – Illustrator Challenge

Enjoy reading Part 2 of Dragon Tea.


Practise recognising those long vowel ‘ee’ sounds and the alternative versions – are you getting better?

Did you notice that there is no illustration for the last page of the story?

I am challenging you to make an illustration using natural materials to help finish the book.

Many of us will be celebrating V.E. Day. You might be having a tea party. Would that give you any ideas?

Please send a photograph of your idea to Ms Rossvoll or Mr Mutch and they will be added to the book!

Dragon Tea Part 1 – just incase you missed it!


Be a Wildlife Detective

Hopefully you have read the Spicy task on the grid about tracking animals. I know my children have been more vigilant during our walks and spotted nature changing around. We have also been lucky to spot lots of wild animals so I know some of you will be interested to identify what we see. Choose 1 or more tasks below for your home learning.

Sometimes the animals are well hidden or run away at the sign of any humans so we have to look closely for evidence. Here is some evidence we have found in our local woodlands.

Task 1 – Can you guess what we spotted?

Here are some hints –

Task 2 – Find some prints

Sometimes the animals leave tracks behind and this resource from the RSPB is very interesting, it shows the actual size of animal prints you might find.


Look closely on your next walk  for animal tracks and take a photo or draw an image of what the print looks like, estimate the size so you can compare it with others. Has anyone been lucky and spotted any footprints?

If you have been like us and not spotted any tracks this resource might might help you spot some other animals that like to hide away.

Draw a picture or write a short report on your animal findings, can you accurately identify the animal? How did you do this?

Task 3 – Make an animal tracker

If you want to take this activity further you could try making an animal tracker to see if anything visits your garden. See the link below.

Good luck detectives, remember to share any photos or work with your teacher or leave me a comment below with your guesses for Task 1.

Area and Measurement – Outdoor Learning

In keeping with our Eco theme, I have thought of some maths-related outdoor activities which I hope you’ll enjoy.  The first is on the topic of Area, while the second is on Measuring.

Explanations for both activities can be found in the Sway below.

Remember – there are links on the Spicy grid which provide help with calculating area and measurements.  Check them out if you’re unsure about anything.

Don’t forget to record your findings in your Home Learning Journal or Sway.  You can also send them to myself or your teacher in an email to let us see your results.

Good luck!


Mild Health and Wellbeing – Wander in the wild!

When I wander I always spot a change of some sort or other. I love picking natural things up and collecting.

I wonder what you might collect on your wander?

Primary 1 made fantastic dragons and fairies after collecting in the school grounds!

Primary 1’s great ideas inspired me to go out and collect to make a reading book for you. Can you spot what I have collected to make the pictures with?


Now when I think about what I have learned about dandelions I would like to have a lion; and a sun in the grass would be a portal to somewhere special in my next story!

What ideas do you have?

This mild challenge encourages you and your family to investigate the different types of plants, creatures and their habitats – where they live – in your local area. These plants, creatures and us depend on each other to be healthy and survive.

A love of being outdoors and being curious about where we live and what links all living things is a never ending source of learning.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about dandelions – more information to follow!


Feel-Good Friday

The weather was so lovely during the holidays that I went out for lots of long walks.  On the way, I spotted many different kinds of wild flowers.

Click on the Sway below to find out more about this week’s Feel-Good Friday challenge …

Remember – write your answers in your Home Learning Journal.  Don’t post them on the Blog, as everyone will be able to see them.  Just leave a message to let me know how you got on.  Good luck!

Earth Day 22nd April – Eco Challenge from Eco Group and Mrs Flockton

Today marks Earth Day 2020.

This is the 50th Earth Day and this year the focus is on Climate Action. This also connects to The World’s Largest Lesson which is part of Eco Schools work. (Links to both websites below)

Lots of activities and events were planned but this year the theme will be digital based or an activity from home so the Eco Group have set some challenges for you to try.

Can you do any of the challenges?

It doesn’t have to be today but please comment and let us know if you have done anything so we can keep a record for the Eco Group and our Green Flag application.

Task 1 – 

  • Have a conversation around climate change with an elderly relative/community member, this could be on the telephone or video messaging.
  •  Draw a Then and Now picture based on their climate conversation, demonstrating the difference between
    the past and current ways of living and how that impacts climate change
  • Demonstrate a positive action for the environment

I have included a list of questions you could ask and a recording sheet if needed – Appendix Sheet 1/2.


Task 2 –

Earth Day Spot clean –

  • During your daily exercise can you tidy your local environment. Can you collect a small bag of litter?

On our family walks we have noticed the litter around us more than previously as we have had more time and walked paths that we rarely go on, so can you help tidy the place around you?

Please use gloves and consider what you pick up at this time. Send a picture to your teacher of your rubbish if possible. We can keep this for evidence for Keep Scotland Beautiful but please do not have people in the picture if possible.

Here is our rubbish collected on one walk.

The World’s Largest Lesson

Earth Day 2020

Task 3

P1/2 – (and anyone else who would like to join in)

You have been set a fun task below based around the book you are reading. Have a look at the Sway to see what your task is. This is a fun activity but remember to work with an adult.

Outdoor Learning Grid 1: Mild Challenge: Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

Rainbow Scavenger Hunt

Which rainbow colours are outdoors at this time of year?

Print off the sheet in the mild links and add double sided sticky tape


use an egg box to collect items in 


make your own collection sheet to hunt for items to match the colours of the rainbow.

If you collect leaves and petals you could have a go at pounding them with a hammer or rubbing them onto a piece of thick paper to collect rainbow colours.

Take care, ask an adult for a safe tool to use.

“Yesterday morning when the sun was shining and it was dry I went outside and searched for rainbow colours and…”

Look through the sway below to find out more about what I did.


New – Outdoor Learning Grid 1

Hopeful for some spring sunshine and warmth we thought you might like to explore the challenges on Outdoor Learning Grid 1 to learn about worms, create a nest and investigate the rainbow spectrum of colours.

Outdoor Learning Grid 1

Capture your learning in your journal or sway and leave a COMMENT to let us know what you have been learning to do. Help everyone to feel connected and that we are learning together.

Mild challenge

Rainbow Scavenger Hunt – Rainbow_Nature_hunt

Nest resource – giant-nest-building-sheet

Spicy challenge

Nest resource – pdf_build_a_bird_nest

Hot challenge

Worm resource – Opal Lab Worm Identification Chart

Rainbow resource – making-rainbows

Nest resource – andygoldsworthy-slideshare

When you come back indoors:

Mild challengers might like to sit and listen to ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson. Worms are superheroes in our gardens. Can you find out why?

Spicy challengers might like to sit and listen to ‘Yucky Worms’ by Vivian French. You could turn the sound off and read the book independently by pausing the clip at the right time for you. List the facts you learn from the story in your journal or sway.

Hot challengers, older children might like to watch the Springwatch documentary about earthworms which includes information about their importance, varieties. predators, how they reproduce and how to investigate them.  Creating a mindmap would help you to summarise the main points in your learning journal or sway.