Category Archives: Methlick School Staff

Compare the Supermarkets – Spicy/Hot

Today’s maths challenge is related to our ‘Money’ theme.  You will be given a shopping list and challenged to find the best value online supermarket.

A minimum of 2 supermarkets should be selected, however if you wish a slightly HOTTER challenge you can, of course, choose more.

Instructions and a shopping list are contained in the Sway.

Ensure that you stick to the guidelines, and keep an eye open at all times for any special offers, such as ‘3 for 2’ or  ‘Buy-One-Get-One-Free’ as these offer good value for money.

Remember to post your results on Seesaw or write them in your jotter, and come back to the Blog to tell us how you got on!

Scots, Spanish & French – Languages

 Bonjour! Hola!

I hope you are enjoying your new topic for this week boys and girls. Since I moved in to Scotland I have loved everything about it, specially its language. That’s why with Ms Rees we thought it would be so fun to mix all languages and give you a try matching words to their language.

Here is a word document that will allow you to see the words you will be looking up, once you find the meaning in Scots, Spanish and French you put them in the column where they belong.

Vocabulary Chart


In this Sway you will have one slide for each language with the words mixed up, try and find to which language they belong. Below the Sway you will find 3 links to dictionaries that could help you.

Let’s Begin.

Go to this Sway

Scots Dictionary

Spanish to English Cambridge Dictionary

French to English Cambridge Dictionary


Mild – Numeracy – Coins

Some more money activities for you to try

Twinkl – Order the coins

Twinkl – Make each amount using coins

White Rose Maths – Money 

Making coins

Watch this film to learn about how the Royal Mint make coins.

This film was made before the new £1 coin was introduced.


The new £1 coin

Can you count how many sides the £1 coin has?

What do the pictures on the back of the coin represent?

Why did the £1 coin have to be redesigned?

Time for a story.

‘It’s a No-Money Day’ by Kate Milner

In the second film the author of ‘It’s a No Money Day’, Kate Milner, reads her book and spends time discussing her choice and style of illustrations.  She makes some very interesting points about the illustrations to help the reader empathise with the main characters.

If you would like your child to practise reading aloud I  think it might be helpful to turn down the volume and scroll through the video from page to page.

Virtual Trip No.1 – Part 1 – Preparation – Hot

We don’t know about you, but Miss Deans and Mr Reid are fed up of staying indoors and want to organise a trip!

Over the next two weeks, Miss Deans and Mr Reid will be taking you on two different virtual trips. We want to give you the full experience of our usual school trips, which means exciting places full of interesting activities.

Welcome to Part 1 of our virtual trip to Edinburgh Zoo! 

Part 1 will focus on getting ready for the big trip. So what are you waiting for? Click on the Sway below and let’s get going!

Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

Let’s carry on reading J.K. Rowling’s new story – The Ickabog.

We are currently on Chapter 4 of the story. Feel free to read on if you wish but please do not reveal any story details on the blog. The activities provided will be a deep dive into each chapter. Read the story so far – 

Click on the Sway below to see our new activities for this week.

MILD: Literacy – How much Scots do we know already?

Scots is a language that was commonly spoken all over, however, today we now commonly use English. The funny thing is, is that certain words creep back into what we say, those words are often from the Scots Language.

Watch the following videos to learn more, do you recognise some of the words?

One of our favourites stories is the Gruffalo, listen to it in Scots.

Complete the sheet below, you do not have to print it out, you can refer to it and have a discussion with family members or phone a relative to sound out the words and learn what they mean.

Scots Words Activity 

Share your responses with your teachers through seesaw or email.


Feel-Good Friday – Pebble Art

For this Friday’s creative challenge I was inspired by Mrs Fraser’s assembly on different types of art, also by a comment that Hayden made on the blog.

Today we are going to be creating pictures using small stones and pebbles.   The subject of your picture is entirely your choice – it could be your family, your cat or dog,  birds, flowers – anything!

Click on the Sway to find out more …

Don’t forget to take photos of your artwork and send them to your teacher or to me, so that I can make a gallery on Sway to show your creations to everyone.  Have fun, and have a great weekend.