Category Archives: Methlick School Staff

Numeracy Grid 1 – Mild Challenge – More Double Numbers

Paint double numbers

Have fun exploring double numbers with paint dots.

I made a rainbow by starting with 7 dots and using the 7 different colours from the rainbow.

Would you like to dive into the learning pit?

Use the double facts you have remembered?

Have a go at investigating double numbers

This time start with an even amount

Think about which double number story you could make

I used 2 egg boxes to make ten frames

I found pompoms and baubles to make double number stories with.

I have also shown the number stories with numicon which I know very few of you would have at home but they help you to see the double number stories in your mind.

Start with even amounts to 10

Move onto even amounts to 20

Maybe some of you would challenge yourselves even further!

Well-Being Wednesday #2 Journal Entry: Mild

I thought I would share with you all a journal entry I did following the sentence starts for Mild from last Thursday. It has been quite strange the past week with lots of sudden changes to our normal routine. This has been quite challenging and once or twice I have forgotten what day it is. But on Thursday I went for a very long walk and counted so many beautiful rainbows in the people’s windows. Then in the evening I wanted to take part in #clapforourcarers but didn’t know what would happen at 8pm.  It was so lovely to open my lounge window and clap with so many other people with cheering and chanting. It was the first time that week that I had really interacted with other people.

How has your Journal Writing gone? Are you writing daily / every few days?


Mr.Mutch’s Journal Entry

I also shared with you my idea of documenting this time on my journal cover, so I thought I would share with you how it is looking so far, is anybody else doing a doodle cover?

Mr.Mutch’s Doodle Journal Update

Literacy Grid 1 – Mild Challenge – Letter Formation – Down and Bounce Letter Family

Good morning boys and girls,

I spent yesterday making some resources to help you with this mild challenge from Literacy Grid 1.

Letter Formation

Choose a family of letters to practise each day.

Watch the videos to help you form the letters

These resources help you learn to form the

Down and bounce family of letters

Think about a ball dropping down to the ground.

When it hits the ground it bounces back up and then often moves forward making an invisible rainbow line, curved line.

b h k m n p r

These letters always begin at the top, (a ball won’t bounce far if you don’t start with it up high);

with a straight line being drawn down.

The pencil travels back up the straight line;

and then the pencil is used to draw a curved line to the right, that line ends in different ways for the letters in this family.

Before you start to form your letters remember to warm up your hand by drawing curved lines – try drawing clouds and rainbows.

I have started a drawing that would help you practise these movements before you write letters from the down and bounce family. Click on the picture above to see a larger version for you to copy.

I wonder who might be holding the umbrella and have their feet in the boots?

A rainbow is drawn with curved lines

Clouds are a wonderful way to draw joined curved lines and this helps to improve fluidity.

Spirals could form puddles and lots of short diagonal lines can cover the page with rain. Zig zag lines could form grass.


The videos in the Sway below show you how to write the the letters in this family.

Growing Challenge by the Eco Group and Mrs Flockton

Hello all and especially to my Eco Committee,

Maybe with some time at home you have been able to plant some seeds this year. I had just broken the news to Mrs Taylor that P3 were going to plant lots of seeds in class when they announced the school closures so P3 never had the chance in the end. We also had a delivery of seed potatoes from One Seed Forward so I will plant those at home and come up with a plan for use when we all return.

Anyway, we have been busy planting our own seeds and I have included some photos below, these were planted for a Spring Fayre at my daughters school so looks like we will have to make room for lots more in the greenhouse. We have planted some unusual varieties this year including pink and black tomatoes and yellow courgettes. Let me know what you are planting and there is even a wee prize for anyone who can guess the mystery plant on the second last picture.

Finally,  I have a Challenge task not on the grids to design your own “Perfect Garden”. This could either be drawn, designed on the computer or made up from magazine images. For those of you at Brownies you could get started on your Gardening badge with these tasks or let me know if you have started any others (Scouts or Guides too). You can upload a photo or comment telling us what you are doing but please stay safe when sharing this.


Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Week 2

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Street Racer

Miss Deans will be playing – Dance

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Egg Box Volume – Numeracy – Hot

Hello everyone,

Have you had a go at the ‘Hot’ Numeracy Challenge – Egg Box Volume?

The task was to  create a net for an easter egg that is 20 cm high and 8cm wide. The net must have a window shape cut into the front to view the egg through.

Here are some simple and straight forward instructions to help you with this task.

1. Create a net for a 3D Cuboid – If you do not have paper big enough to match the dimensions, feel free to alter the measurements. Use a search engine to help with the drawing of your net.

2. Decorate the net of your Cuboid using Easter images – for example, eggs, Easter Bunny or chicks.

3. Carefully cut out an egg shaped-hole in one of the rectangles.

4. Cut out the Cuboid Net and assemble your Easter box!

If you managed to complete this activity, please share your finished product with your class teacher – through Seesaw or email.


Games for Easter and Spring

P4 have been enjoying playing mental maths games on the Digipuzzle website – Pacman is one of their favourites.  Today I found a new Pacman game to play – Easter Words.

Have a look at the Sway to see some of my suggestions for some other games you could play.  You’ll also find links to the website there.

I hope you have fun trying some of them.  Let me know which ones you’ve tried by leaving a comment on the blog.  🙂