Category Archives: P3 Mrs Taylor

Art Appreciation Discussion – Spicy/Hot

Following on from last week’s ‘Become an Art Critic’ post, I thought we could meet up here to have a discussion regarding the paintings.  You can have another look at them here before adding your comments below:

My personal favourite from the ones I posted is number 5 – ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent van Gogh.  It depicts a moonlit scene with a large cypress tree in the foreground and a small town in the background.  The most noticeable thing is, however, the sky.  The artist has used bold, swirling brushstrokes to create a sense of movement.  This makes me think that he may have been upset or agitated when he was painting this.  The cypress tree in the foreground is buffeted by the wind, perhaps reflecting van Gogh’s own inner turmoil.  It is not a calming painting, but I love the colours and the wildness of the  swirling starry sky.

Let’s hear your thoughts!

Five Sense Poem

I found this exercise very relaxing.  My mind was busy thinking about all the different senses and the world around us, so it made it hard to think about anything else in that moment.  This would also be a great strategy to use if you are feeling nervous or tense.  Stop, take a few deep breaths and start to list the things you can see, taste, smell, feel and hear.

I have had some great responses from pupils already.  Some excellent drawings, photographs and paintings displaying the ideas put forward in their poems.

Dance Dance Dance (MILD, SPICY and HOT) #ExpressiveArts #HealthandWellbeing #LiteracyComprehension

Happy Friday Everyone,

Have you had a go at this weeks community challenge yet?

Not to worry you still have time to bust a move or two and send it to your teacher.

I thought i’d help you with some suggestions of dance moves:

Want to keep learning and dancing away, how about you try out our Dance Comprehension work where you watch a range of dances and answer questions on them, click below to carry out this fun activity.

Dance Comprehension 

Photography Challenge for All Levels National Portrait Society and Duchess of Sussex Competition.

Hold Still, a portrait of our nation in 2020, is an ambitious community project to create a unique photographic portrait which captures the spirit, mood, hopes, fears and feelings of the nation as we continue to deal with isolation and uneasy times.

The Duchess and the National Portrait Gallery invite you to submit your own photographic portrait, taken during these extraordinary times, which responds to one of the following themes:

  • Helpers and Heroes
  • Your New Normal
  • Acts of Kindness

You can find more information at : Hold Still

We would really love for you all to give this a go whether you decide to submit it or not you can always share this with your teacher.

Photography Support PowerPoint.

I’ve teamed up with a friend of mine who is a photographer in her spare time, she has very kindly created a powerpoint with some helpful tips to help support and develop your photography skills.

Top 4 Photography Tips <<<< Click Here

Miss Deans’s Photography Interests

Click the Sway below to see what Photography Miss Deans has within her home.


Create a Pin Hole Camera




Netball Practise For All #HealthandWellbeingFortnight

Hi Everyone,

Whether you are part of our Netball club or not, why not start your Friday right with some Netball activities and skills to practise.

I would like to thank Sandra and Lara for creating this video and showing us lots of skills to try out

First Aid with Mrs Webster- Health and Wellbeing

Hello Everyone, Happy Thursday.

We would love to hear if any of you have been practising your FIrst Aid skills from looking at Mr Reid’s post last week or if you have done  this independently.

I thought , who better to tell us about First Aid than one of our PSA’s; Mrs Webster.

Please have a look at her poster information below that she has created to help you remember about first aid and their role in the playground.


Health Heroes Final Guests No6 Finale #LetsGetClapping

Hello Everyone,

Over the last two weeks, we have seen a range of Health Heroes that I am sure we have all taken something away from. I am so glad you have enjoyed tuning in each day to find out who we have had.

I’d like to round up our Health Heroes campaign with I am sure you will all agree Heroes that in my eyes are Heroes every minute of our day and lives: the NHS.

Please find below a video from Mrs Anne-Marie McGrath ( Ruairidh and Eilidh’s mum) who throughout her night shift at Aberdeen Hospital was able to record this for us.  I would like to personally thank her for taking the time to record this video for us on behalf of herself, Aberdeen Hospital and the wider community of NHS staff.

WIthin in our school and wider community we have a range of key workers and NHS workers who we would like to dedicate this post to for all their hard work during this time.

When we clap tonight as we do every Thursday, we clap for a wide range of NHS and key workers, as Anne-Marie says in her video boys and girls give yourself a clap too!

We also have another set of Health Heroes, Alex and Adam McDonald participated in a World  Sepsis Awareness video at Aberdeen Hospital that they would like to share with you. Well Done Boys.




Health and Wellbeing – Yoga

Hello everyone,

Yoga is great for the body and mind. Physically, it can improve our flexibility, strength and coordination. In addition, our concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation can improve.

More than one million children do yoga, mindfulness and relaxation with Cosmic Kids –

Why not try some activities and let us know in the comments how you get on! Here is a direct link to all the activities provided by Cosmic Kids –

‘Being Healthy’ – Spicy Poem

Last week I posted a poem on the subject of mental wellbeing.  This week’s poem focuses on Personal and Physical Wellbeing.  First, read the poem or listen to the audio clip, then answer the questions in my Sway.  You may need to do a little research in order to answer some of them.

Being healthy

Mum says I have to brush my teeth
In the morning and at night.
They look and taste much better
But I hate it when she’s right.

Dad says I have to take a bath
And wash my body well.
I do feel nice and clean and fresh
But now he’s right as well!

My brother says I have to wash
My hands to keep them clean.
He’s right, my fingers feel so good
Without dirt in between.

My sister says I have to eat
Some vegetables each day.
She’s right, I have more energy
To run and walk and play.

I feel more healthy and I’ve got
Much better teeth and skin.
Don’t tell them that I think they’re right –
I hate it when they win!

Gillian Craig

Listen to it being read aloud here.

Now answer the questions.  As always, don’t forget to write in complete sentences (not one-word answers) and check that you have included capital letters and full stops.


Health Heroes- Special Guest No4 Click Me #ComeOnYouReds

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I hope you have settled in to our Health and Wellbeing Fortnight Activities, this week our focus is on Physical Health due to this week being our usual Sports Day week.

With this in mind take a look at our Health Hero today:

Niall McGinn currently plays for Aberdeen F C  and Northern Ireland during international football season, Niall has played with a range of teams including Dungannon Swifts, Derry City, Celtic, Brentford and South Korean club Gwangju.

I would like to personally thank him for creating an inspiring video to help our Health Heroes campaign as always  we would LOVE for you to leave some comments, as with all our Heroes they are able to see your messages 🙂