Category Archives: P3 Mrs Flockton

Easter Word Challenge

Here’s another Easter Literacy challenge for everyone.  How many words you can make from ‘HAPPY EASTER’?

Read the instructions in the Sway below, and challenge other family members to take part.  I’d recommend doing this over a number of days so that you can keep adding to your total.

Don’t forget to write the list of words in your Learning Journals, and leave a comment for me here, to let me know how many you have managed to find.   I’m going to give it a go and I challenge all the teachers and Mrs Fraser to take part as well!

There are different rules for Mild, Spicy and Hot, so click on the Sway to find out more.


Literacy Grid 1 – Spicy Challenge – Comic Superhero

This is one of the imaginative spicy writing challenges on Literacy Grid 1

 Thumper Comic
Thumper the Calf is a super hero with ‘MOOvellous’ powers.
Draw Thumper in his superhero costume and label his super powers.
Write a comic strip about his adventures Write in your journal or maybe you could use book creator on the iPad or computer or sway in Glow to create an e book.
Share with your teacher via Glow.

I have used the comic option in the paid version of Book Creator to give this a go.

Main characters – little plastic calf for Thumper;  Jessie, the horse, Rex and Mr Potato Head from the original Toy Story.

Setting – Toy farm buildings, a wooden rainbow, a broken Lego millennium falcon and a wooden safari set.

I tinkered, debugged and persevered with what I had until I came up with a simple storyline. I tried not to be distracted with making superhero accessories.

I quickly drew super pants and stuck them on with double sided tape. I used a pipe cleaner for super horns – job done!

It was great fun!
Have a go!



Growing Challenge by the Eco Group and Mrs Flockton

Hello all and especially to my Eco Committee,

Maybe with some time at home you have been able to plant some seeds this year. I had just broken the news to Mrs Taylor that P3 were going to plant lots of seeds in class when they announced the school closures so P3 never had the chance in the end. We also had a delivery of seed potatoes from One Seed Forward so I will plant those at home and come up with a plan for use when we all return.

Anyway, we have been busy planting our own seeds and I have included some photos below, these were planted for a Spring Fayre at my daughters school so looks like we will have to make room for lots more in the greenhouse. We have planted some unusual varieties this year including pink and black tomatoes and yellow courgettes. Let me know what you are planting and there is even a wee prize for anyone who can guess the mystery plant on the second last picture.

Finally,  I have a Challenge task not on the grids to design your own “Perfect Garden”. This could either be drawn, designed on the computer or made up from magazine images. For those of you at Brownies you could get started on your Gardening badge with these tasks or let me know if you have started any others (Scouts or Guides too). You can upload a photo or comment telling us what you are doing but please stay safe when sharing this.


Games for Easter and Spring

P4 have been enjoying playing mental maths games on the Digipuzzle website – Pacman is one of their favourites.  Today I found a new Pacman game to play – Easter Words.

Have a look at the Sway to see some of my suggestions for some other games you could play.  You’ll also find links to the website there.

I hope you have fun trying some of them.  Let me know which ones you’ve tried by leaving a comment on the blog.  🙂





Numeracy – Mental Maths – Spicy/Hot – Update

Hello everyone!

It’s time to practise our Times Tables.

Click on the Sway below to see some NEW fun and challenging activities that you can do at home to improve your multiplication skills.

Please comment and let us know which times tables you have been practising and which activity you are enjoying the most!

Numeracy Grid challenge – Mental Maths activities – Spicy Level but suitable for all

Have you managed to do any maths this week. Don’t forget all those practical tasks you are doing at home already use maths in them. We have finally found the time to bake in the Flockton house and we are playing Monopoly which is getting a little heated at times!!!

Some teachers may have some Sumdog activities for  those of you that use it in class but feel free to try out other maths apps and websites as well as your practical activities such as weighing or measuring.

Here are a few suggestions –

‘Daily 10’, you can chose all sorts of areas of maths and change the challenge level (Free online)

Multiplication tables – ‘DK Multiplication’ is a hit in our house (Free app)

Carol Vorderman is providing maths tutorials online for those working at the Hot stage.

Most pupils should be familiar with ‘Topmarks’ games (Free online)

P3 love BBC Supermovers, this has songs to dance to and includes everything from Addition to Multiplication. It’s also a little easier than Joe Wicks!!!

We all have our favourite games but leave a comment to share your favourite maths related game (Virtual or not) We might all be reminded of some favourites.


Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Animals

Miss Deans will be playing – Cycle Race 

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.