Category Archives: spicy

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 1

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Animals

Miss Deans will be playing – UPDATE – STREET RACER 

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Health and Wellbeing Grid 2 Task

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a FAB Easter break 🙂

Today I thought I would focus my blog post on a nice easy relaxing choice from our new grid since it launches today and you might just be getting to familiarise yourself with it.

I chose  the Health and Wellbeing task, this term we were going to be working cooperatively with Rev Will Stalder and the Methlick community to celebrate VE Day by creating artistic pieces of words related to VE Day. We decided as a staff to choose this as one of our home learning activities.

The Primary 7 word is Resolution luckily I randomly had a bucket of toy soldiers and thought I could display my words using that HOWEVER half way through I realised I wouldn’t have enough toy soldiers 🤔

Then I used some problem solving skills I made the first five letters of the word took a picture of it and then made the second 5 letters took a picture and merged them together using a Picture collage app.

I can’t wait to see what you all do for your class word.

Please share your ideas below and send any completed ones to your teacher.

Don’t Say ‘Said’!

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back to the Blog.  It seems very strange not to be taking in the lines as usual on the first day of term.  I also miss hearing your holiday news, but you can leave a message here or on Seesaw to let me know what you’ve been up to (or write it in your journal).

Anyway, I hope you had a lovely break enjoying the sunshine over the holidays and are all ready for some more learning activities in Term 4.

To kick-start the term, I have a Literacy challenge for you.  You may already have seen that one of the reading tasks in this week’s Spicy Literacy Grid involves finding different words in your reading book that the author uses instead of ‘said’.

Click on my Sway to find out more …

P.S.   House points will be awarded to the pupil with the highest total (I will have to verify this once we’re back at school)!

P.P.S. Maybe some of the teachers/parents would like to have a go at this as well?

Easter Word Challenge

Here’s another Easter Literacy challenge for everyone.  How many words you can make from ‘HAPPY EASTER’?

Read the instructions in the Sway below, and challenge other family members to take part.  I’d recommend doing this over a number of days so that you can keep adding to your total.

Don’t forget to write the list of words in your Learning Journals, and leave a comment for me here, to let me know how many you have managed to find.   I’m going to give it a go and I challenge all the teachers and Mrs Fraser to take part as well!

There are different rules for Mild, Spicy and Hot, so click on the Sway to find out more.


Literacy Grid 1 – Spicy Challenge – Comic Superhero

This is one of the imaginative spicy writing challenges on Literacy Grid 1

 Thumper Comic
Thumper the Calf is a super hero with ‘MOOvellous’ powers.
Draw Thumper in his superhero costume and label his super powers.
Write a comic strip about his adventures Write in your journal or maybe you could use book creator on the iPad or computer or sway in Glow to create an e book.
Share with your teacher via Glow.

I have used the comic option in the paid version of Book Creator to give this a go.

Main characters – little plastic calf for Thumper;  Jessie, the horse, Rex and Mr Potato Head from the original Toy Story.

Setting – Toy farm buildings, a wooden rainbow, a broken Lego millennium falcon and a wooden safari set.

I tinkered, debugged and persevered with what I had until I came up with a simple storyline. I tried not to be distracted with making superhero accessories.

I quickly drew super pants and stuck them on with double sided tape. I used a pipe cleaner for super horns – job done!

It was great fun!
Have a go!



The Magic of Science – Ms Maturana -Mild and Spicy


Good Morning Boys and Girls,

Today I planned some Science experiments to do at home. Since we have been learning about water there is something  that makes water super interesting and magical and that is how things look like when we look at them through water.

You are going to practice this experiments first and then you can set a magic show at home. You could easily be mistaken by a magician! At the end you can explain the Science behind.

These experiments are  simple and most important fun!

Do you know what refraction of light means?

In simple words, everytime we look at things through water the light in it bends and in result we see a different image.

Like this one

Does the pencil or straw looks normal? Why? Discuss.


    Before and after you do your experiments there are a few questions you need to think first, such as:

Before: What do you think is going to happen?

-Why do you think that will happen?

After: What happened?

-Where you right or wrong?

-What do you think now?


1.Arrow and other objects Experiment


-Glass of water (not small so you can see better)




This experiment is very simple. First, draw an arrow near the top of the paper and one near the bottom, pointing the same direction. Second,  put it behind the jar of water. Third, look right through the middle of the glass. What happens to the arrow? You can do the same with different objects from your home like: pencils, toys, other types of paper. What happens with all of them? Do you see them the same way as normal?

Science Behind

The light bends once when it traveled through the glass cup into the water, and then it bends again when it traveled out of the glass cup and into the air. As a result, the light paths cross and the image appears to be flipped horizontally (left/right).

Isn’t it great?

2. Zip Lock Bag  Experiment



-White paper

-Plasctic bag


-Jar of water

Things change from the postition we look at them, so in this experiment you will look from above (looking at the surface) rather than in the middle of the glass.  The video below  will show you the steps and what happens. You can draw anything you want just make sure one drawing is white and the other has colour.


Video with steps

Science Behind

The same way the light bended -as we saw in the first experiment- will happen here. The difference is that we are looking from a different postition/angle, that makes the light to bend completely  so it doesn’t get to our eyes. The part that we can see it is because it has not bended completely.

Isn’t is great?


Here is how it worked for me

My Sway

Comment on what you did, what happened, how you felt and of course if you had fun. Can you do some magic at home now?


Ms. Maturana