Health and Wellbeing VE words

Just wanted to say a BIG Thank You to all those that have tried out our Health and Wellbeing task. They are looking FAB!

Don’t worry if you haven’t had a chance to do one yet you still have another week to go.

Please send on your creative pieces of your work to your teacher so we can collect them all to create a Sway for you all to see .


Miss Deans

Literacy mild challenge – Happy Lists

We are learning to write lists.

As an adult I write lists all the time.

With so many different things happening lately I have found it helpful to write  some happy lists.

This has helped me to focus on what is going well and worry a little bit less.

Happy List Ideas

  • This Week’s Happy Moments

  • Happy Places

  • Happy Moments or Memories

  • Happy Songs

  • List words about a friend or pet that makes you happy.

I have had a go at writing some Happy Lists  in this book.

I have filmed some of my happy places to share with you.

Take a moment to look and listen.

I wonder what you might make happy lists about?


Literacy – Reading activity – Hot

Read the poem – ‘Unmentioned in Despatches’ by Peter Wyton

Link to poem – content/uploads/2020/01/VE-Day-poem.pdf

Everything that you will need to complete this activity, can be found in the Sway below. There is also a special guest reciting the poem. Enjoy!

Remember to share your work with your class teacher via Seesaw or Glow email.

Feel-Good Friday

The weather was so lovely during the holidays that I went out for lots of long walks.  On the way, I spotted many different kinds of wild flowers.

Click on the Sway below to find out more about this week’s Feel-Good Friday challenge …

Remember – write your answers in your Home Learning Journal.  Don’t post them on the Blog, as everyone will be able to see them.  Just leave a message to let me know how you got on.  Good luck!

Numeracy: MILD – Data Handling, Your Answers.

Your answers are in!

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey.

When you gather in information it can be called ‘raw data’ like raw chicken you can’t do much with it, so you have to do something in order for it to be used. For instance, cooking the chicken or presenting the data in a way that is readable.

Below is a list of the data that has been collated. Your task is to use the data given and present it in a readable manner. This could be in the form of a pictogram, bar graph or pie chart.  Look through the sway below on suggestions and reminders when presenting the information.

The raw data.

Do you have a pet?  Yes (17) No (7)
How many pets do you have?   One (9)  two-three (2)  four-six (3)  more than seven (3)
What type of animal?
  • Dog  (9)
  • Cat (8)
  • Guinea Pig (1)
  • Horse (3)
  • Chickens (2)
  • Ducks (1)
  • Turkey (1)
  • Sheep (2)
  • Fish (2)
  • Caterpillars (1)
What do they eat?
  • Grass (3)
  • Carrots (2)
  • Cat Food  (4)
  • Pellets (2)
  • Dog Food (6)
  • Ham (1)
  • Hay (2)
  • Chicken (1)
  • Fish Flakes (1)
  • Socks (1)
Can they do a trick?  Yes (11) No (5)


Have great fun creating your displays of information. Remember you do not have to use all the raw data, choose a question to focus on. Send to your teachers or add them to your sway as we will use your work to create questions for others to try.