Nursery News!

The nursery have been learning about water. 

They decided that they wanted to make a pond in their garden. To find out more about making a pond they went to The Gordon Schools and saw their pond and that gave them a big inspiration about what they wanted to do with their pond. They have been working as a team to make a little pond in the garden and have put a lot of things into the pond. They are learning how to keep the pond nice and tidy.

The nursery children have been learning about washing their hands.They have been making a lot of things and learning about what happens to objects when they go into the water. They  have also been learing about sinking and floating. They have been putting lots of different objects into the water and watching and talking about what happens to the objects. They have been reading a book called “I don’t want to have a bath,”  about  a young tiger who doesn’t want to have a bath. The nursery children enjoyed that book and they have made pictures and all sorts of stuff to do with the story. Now they are reading a new story called “The Whale and the Snail”  which is about about things under the sea.

By primary 7 blogger Ellie

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