Christmas parties

As usual, the Christmas parties were a great success.
Primary 1 to 6 held their parties in the large hall, taking part in social dances, which they had been learning in the preceding weeks, and games.
The primary 7 dance was held in the evening. P7s and their guests had great fun dancing The Gay Gordons, Boston Two Step, The Dashing White Seargant and many other dances. They enjoyed refreshments of sausage rolls, crips and jelly and ice cream, and then returned to more energetic dances and games!

P7 WW2 day

Last week the primary sevens held a WW2 day on Thursday 27th November. Mr Paterson, from the Aberdeen Urban Studies Centre came to hold a workshop which looked at the impact of the war on Aberdeen.

The p7 pupils worked through a series of activities using artefacts and photo from that time.

Local historian, Mr Patrick Scott also attended and showed his slides of Huntly during WW2.

Children also took part in an art activity.

Primary 7’s learnt a lot about life in the North East of Scotland during WW2!

Thank you to both of our visitors!


P1 nativity

On Tuesday 16th December the primary ones performed their nativity.They put a lot of effort into it, learning their words and songs. Well done!

Thank you to:

The primary one would like to say a big thanks to Mrs Park for fitting,mending and sewing the costumes.

The school staff and primary seven for helping with the stages and chairs  and dressing them.

They did two performances in one day; at the first performance, for parents and family, a collection was held. The money raised went towards Driel, our sponsored child from the Dominican Republic.

The second performance was for the school. All the pupils and staff enjoyed listening to the lovely singing and watching the primary ones act out the story of the First Christmas.

by p7 blogger,sophie

Christmas Parties

For Christmas coming up everyone has started to have their Christmas primary 6 and primary 5s have had their parties and they have had a fabulous  time and they have done loads of fun games and fun dances.The primary 7s have their party on Thursday and  we hope that they have a grand time and that they are not to tired on Friday for their last day before Christmas.

By Ellie p7 blogger


On Friday 19th December 2014, all of the school will be going to the end of term service at the Church. We will be singing some hymns and listening to prayers. At the end, the choir will be singing to us and a few primary sevens will be saying a reading to us. We will be singing the songs that we have been learning at assemblies. We will walk to the church and back from the church.

By Fiona and Amy P7m

Children in need


A couple of weeks ago we all got to dress up in spots and stripes for Children in Need and we raised  over £450. It was a brilliant day and we would like to say a big thank you to Fiona B and Faye P  for going round all the class rooms and collecting their money.  Everybody was so spotty or stripy. Most teachers dressed up too.

Social dancing

It s coming up to Christmas time and and we will be having our Christmas parties. So we are all practicing our social dancing. The primary seven are having a slightly different thing this year because we are having a dance instead of a party. It is going to be after-school. A list and letter will be coming out soon telling you when your dance is.

By Sophie and Amy  P7 bloggers

Deveron Arts

This year the school will be helping decorating the Huntly Christmas tree. Deveron Arts are decorating the tree this year and have been going round schools and clubs so that they can join in too.

They  are making decorative fat balls for the birds, so that the wild birds can get a treat over winter.  All they are using is a balloon, string, lard and bird seed! Katrin (from Deveron arts) is coming round this week to work with the P5 class P6 class P3s and some of the P2’s. The tree will be decorated and the lights turned on on Sunday. All pupils from Gordon Primary and everyone from the local community are invited!
The decoration

By Fiona P7 blogger