Social dancing

It s coming up to Christmas time and and we will be having our Christmas parties. So we are all practicing our social dancing. The primary seven are having a slightly different thing this year because we are having a dance instead of a party. It is going to be after-school. A list and letter will be coming out soon telling you when your dance is.

By Sophie and Amy  P7 bloggers

Deveron Arts

This year the school will be helping decorating the Huntly Christmas tree. Deveron Arts are decorating the tree this year and have been going round schools and clubs so that they can join in too.

They  are making decorative fat balls for the birds, so that the wild birds can get a treat over winter.  All they are using is a balloon, string, lard and bird seed! Katrin (from Deveron arts) is coming round this week to work with the P5 class P6 class P3s and some of the P2’s. The tree will be decorated and the lights turned on on Sunday. All pupils from Gordon Primary and everyone from the local community are invited!
The decoration

By Fiona P7 blogger

P3 Transport Survey

This week, P3 went outside and looked at all of the different types of transport going around Huntly. They did this for maths because they made graphs and bar charts.  They were looking for cars , lorries, vans, buses and many other things. All of the bar charts will look amazing! Well Done!

By Amy  P7 Bloggers