Tag Archives: Theatre Modo

Theatre Modo

Fergus from Theatre Modo came to p 4/5 to make oil rig hats out of  willow sticks. The website has videos you can watch and Theatre Modo was formed in 1995,it is a recognised Scottish charity.Theatre Modo has been producing  memorable shows across Scotland and Europe since 1995 and is filled with theatrical,musical and physical invention.Their shows engage the audience in live performance.

Sooner or later Fergus came back to help us finish our oil rig hats by painting them with a vairity of bright and wonderful colours. Then we all got our face painted very strangely (yellow with blue stripes going down).There is another blog with the drama.

By Oscar & Ewan

Theatre Modo (Drama)

Suzie fromTheatre Mo-do took P4/5 for a session of  drama. We got to choose our groups and do an act linked to what we are doing for the school’s Golden Jubilee. Our class is learning about oil. We have learned a lot about  oil and how it is dug up. Our groups have to act as machines and make mechanical noises. It has to be like the journey of oil. The theme is the 60s.Our class thinks oil is really intresting! By Sophie.

P6/7 and Theatre Modo

Last week  Theatre Modo has been in to help the whole school learn to do creative things like  paintings, drama, dance routines and songs for our Golden Jubilee which is 60’s themed. P6/7 has been making Andy Warhol flags. Andy Warhol was a famous artist in the 60’s. He was famous for his style of art which was pop art. He designed the famous and colourful portrait of Marilyn Monroe. We are making portraits of ourselves in the same style as Andy Warhol’s. We drew pictures of ourselves then made stencils and spray painted them onto material. We will be attaching them to a flag pole and doing a routine with them for the jubilee. We are enjoying working with Theatre  Modo, and hope that our flags and routine will wow the parents.

Andy Warhol’s Painting

Cormac’s Painting

By Scott, Cormac and Emily.

Modo Madness

Primary 7 pupils have started to create life-sized puppets with the help of Theatre Modo. We have been making the puppets out of withies (sticks of willow) and cardboard for the school Golden Jubilee. We are nearly ready for the big celebration on Friday at Gordon Park and we are learning a routine to go with it.

When we started learning about the 60s we realised how weird and strange a lot things were in those days, so that is the theme of our performance – STRANGE. On Friday you’ll see some strange things like; flying cars, toppling towers and strange animals. Watch this space for photos.