
This week the nursery have been making a burning building along with a fire engine out of a cardboard box to play in. Their main topic is mini beasts they have concentrated on spiders and snails. Today when we visited them the nursery children were making spider webs using PVA glue and lots of different shades of glitter. They were also planting and picking potatoes.

By Scott & Emily. 🙂

Lendrick Muir 2012

On the 16th April P7 went to Lendrick Muir which is near Kinross. The activicties they participated in were very exciting. The included biking, canoeing, high ropes, mini survival, crazy golf and bungee trampoline. They tried a wide vairtiey of different foods when they were away such as curry, pie and pizza. On the way back from Lendrick Muir they stopped of at Dundee to see the R.R.S Discovery they found it really interesting. The ship was one of the first ships to explore Antartica at the beginning of the 20th centuary.

The photograps you see below is a picture of a P7 on the high ropes course making a ‘leap of faith’. Fantastic Fun!

Lendrick Muir 2012 :D


On Monday the 16th of April 2012, P7 left for their residential school trip to Lendrick Muir which is situated in Kinross which is a little bit further north. It was a great trip, they had an amazing time. There were all sorts of activities to take part in. Primary 7 were put into different groups which they did activities in. The groups were yellow, green, purple, red and blue. The activiteswere trail biking, high ropes (leap of faith, pizza box), inflatables, search and rescue, land grab, bungee trampoline/crazy golf, rocket launch, canoeing, mini survival and cheeseydisco. The leap of faith was found scary by many pupils but most managed to face their fears and jump! On the last night they had a cheesey disco it was great fun and they learned a dance to Cotton Eyed Joe which was taught to them by Adrian (a staff member) :D. There aren’t enough words to describe just how good it was!

By Scott & Emily (P7) 🙂

Alltnacriche News #3

This morning was spent on the water at Loch Morlich. Some children went kayaking and some were canoeing. They had a great time learning how to paddle and turn and were able to go a good distance across the loch. It was quite cold and although there were some brave souls, everyone’s feet were a bit cold. However, a quick run around, some hot chocolate and lunch revived even the teachers and we were able to enjoy a full afternoon of activities. Dinner was really good: carrot soup, chicken Korea or sweet and sour chicken and banoffee pie. Most of the children have packed their belongings and are now doing some work on their theme, ‘choices’. We’re looking forward to another good night’s sleep, some activities tomorrow and will leave here around 11:30am, hoping to be back in school around 2:45.

Alltnacriche News #2

Weather was very mixed today: some very heavy rain and hail with lovely sunshine in between. All of the activities went ahead with children taking part in survival skills, ropes course, zip wire, trail biking and pond dipping to name a few. The food has been great. Everyone made their own lunch this morning and had a choice of pizza or fish tonight. The duty groups are doing a great job of setting tables and hoovering and all bedrooms are remarkably tidy with some children showing amazing organisation skills! Everyone is outside now running about in the lovely mountainous air. There will be hot chocolate for them all soon and then hopefully a great and early night’s sleep!

Alltnacriche News

After a wet but quick journey here, the children got stuck into their activities very quickly.  Bed making was fun but now everyone knows how to put a duvet cover on!  As part of the John Muir Award that the children hope to gain while they are here, there was a short presentation of the DVD that we prepared before leaving and then we did a hike up a steep hill where we had a magnificent view of the snowy Cairngorms.  Everyone did some orienteering before having dinner at 5:30. This was homemade tomato soup, baked potatoes with a variety of fillings and desert of Kelly and icecream.  We played Some ball games and a blind folded mini ropes course after dinner.  Supper came at 9:00 after work on the theme for the week: Choices.  Everyone is in bed now and hopefully will be asleep soon!

Sports Relief

 On Friday the 23 of March , P6/7 took part in Sport Relief at Ellon Primary School. They helped organise games at lunch time i.e Beat the Goalie, Steal the Bacon , an obstacle course, tennis, golf and a whole lot more. The children also ran a mile with Mr Witt in their PE time and everyone did brilliantly and ran really quickly too! Plus everyone  dressed up as their  favourite sports person and paid £1 to do this. The children raised £368.11 and were really grateful to everyone for their donations.

       Thanks again P6/7.


By Scott & Anna.

Outside with Room 3

Today we did most of our work outside.  During maths we did position and movement.  Daisy, Ryan and Mrs Lindsay called out instructions using forwards, backwards, around, through, left and right.  We played Simon Says with instructions.  Jack and Leyton won the games. 

We painted outside on the steps using water and then water and food colouring.  This helps to make our hands strong.

We watered the potatoes and measured the highest stalk.  It is now 6cm long.  We need to check the weather to make sure there won’t be a frost, it could damage the new stalks.

We had hymn practice today for our church service tomorrow.

Sport Relief Day

Today it is Sport Relief day so our school are playing lots of games to raise money. We all dressed up as our favourite sports personalities and brought £1 to school. Mr Witt ran a mile with all his classes in the Gordon Park. Lots of people were interviewed by Rory and Lucy. Oscar was the photographer and has captured some fantastic pictures. They interviewed pupils, parents and some of the teachers. There will be another page of all our interveiws for you to read. Enjoy the rest of Sport Relief Day!!! 

By Sophie and Lucy.

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