All posts by Mrs Whalley

Santa visits P3

On Wednesday the 10th of December we had a special visitor in to the P3 party.

He had a special red suit on and a very jolly face. He said, “ho, ho, ho”! and asked us if we had been good.. That is when we knew it was definitely Santa.

We had a lovely party before Santa arrived and we danced and played lots of games which was really fun. Our teachers were wearing sparkly clothes and they were dancing to the Christmas music.

Here are some of the photos we took on the day.

Bringing History to Life

Today the Primary Seven class went on a trip to Ellon Library where they carried out tasks related to World War 1. This included looking at what the soldiers wore, looking up soldeirs who died during the war and finding out information by using the iPads.

The feedback from the P7s was all very positive:

Sally –  I liked using the iPads because it was something I had never done before. I also likes seeing the uniform that the soldier wore.

Sam – The iPads were weird but I liked it because it talked and you could move the aeroplane.

Logan – The iPads were really interesting. I have never done something like that before. It was good that it all comes out of the paper.

Romi – I quite liked the computers and how it could search those who died by using the British War Graves Commission website. It’s really good technology.

Maja – The 3D iPads were awesome! It’s amazing what you can do with a printed sheet and an iPad.

Eleanor – I found the soldiers clothes interesting and the helmets must have been very uncomfortable because it looked like a deep frying pan. The iPads were awesome too.

Robbie – I enjoyed all of the facts. I though it was interesting.

Fraser – It was cool.

Shanna – It was awesome, especially the iPads. I liked it because you could look at the 3D things.

Ada – I enjoyed the iPads because you see 3D things.

Callum – My favourite was the iPads as you could see 3D things out of a picture.

Cameron – My favourite part of visiting the library was when we used the iPads and looked at tanks and planes in 3D.

Mark – The library was good, I really enjoyed it.

Ericka – I think going to the library was a good idea. I liked working with the iPads

Alanna – I liked going to the library and learning about the topic. I enjoyed working on the iPads it made our topic more interesting.

Emily – The trip to the library was very good, I really enjoyed the iPads. It was cool seeing the 3d aeroplane.

Chloe – It was great. I liked the iPads the best. I liked that the tanks looked real. It was awesome.

Amber – It was so much fun. I liked the iPads best because I hadn’t seen anything like it before.

James – I enjoyed the library when we got to see all the clothes they wore.

Lucas – I enjoyed the part when we looked at the clothes that the army wore.

Jennifer – I liked the iPads best because the tanks look more real.

Marie – I liked the War Graves Commission website which gave details of how and when the soldiers die and where they were buried. I liked it because you got to find out more information about the soldier.

Brendon – I liked the iPad work because I did not expect it.

Abbie – I liked the army objects, there was a bomber jacket which was pretty cool.

He’s Behind you!!

Today Ellon Primary school had a visit from M and M Productions who showed the story of Beauty and the Beast.
Bell, Gaston, Gorgeous, Mrs. Potty, Casper and the Candle Man were the main characters.

It was all done by one four people though which was very clever. The whole school went to see it over two performances.
I thought the Nursery children might have been scared but they were laughing and thinking it was funny too.

Anya Bramwell said that she liked the performance and that her favourite bit was at the end when the person got made back into a human again.
Ross Macarthur said that he thought Gaston was funny and made him laugh, especially when he said ‘Let’s go’ and then started to sing Let it Go from Frozen.
Ellis Kilgour thought it was hilarious when the characters got their swords out!
Isla McCallum said the panto was amazing. She really liked it when the man started singing, “Let it Go!”. She was singing along to all the music.

As an extra surprise we all went back to our classrooms and found an orange and a chocolate bar for us.  That was yummy!

Written by Jacob Vavangus in P5

P4, P4/5, P5 Christmas Concert 2014

Today we welcomed mums, dads, babies, grannies, granda’s, aunties, uncles and family friends into the school to see the P4, P4/5 and P5 Christmas Concert.

This was the culmination of a lot of hard work from the pupils, their teachers, our janitor, the PSAs and parents at home.

The performance was described as a heart-warmer, a wonderful event and as a tear-jerker.

Here are the P5s singing a song to wish everyone a Happy Christmas from Africa.

Primary 5s also wished everyone a Happy Christmas from Japan.

Our three kings delivered presents.

The P4/5s came from India to wish everyone well.

The dancing from the P4s was super.

Yeeha!! Get your cowboy boots on!

P4, P4/5 and P5 Concert.

Primary 4, 4/5 and 5 are going to be doing a concert on Tuesday. These are the songs – Spanish, Hawaiian, Indian, American, Chinese, African. We will also have a song called Let us all Join Hands and one called All Around the World. The concert will be all about Christmas in different countries.

The characters will be Freya Alexander as Mary, Ryan Slessor as Jason, Kimberley Smith as Molly, Harry Burr as Jack and Daniel Aitken as Joseph.

I hope everyone has their tickets ready because the show will be taking place very soon.

Written by Miller McKay in in the P2-P4 S4L Newspaper Group

Christmas Lunch and Ellon Primary School

On Friday the 5th of December we had our Christmas lunch. There were about 178 people and 13 teachers. The dinner ladies wore Christmas aprons and Mrs. Whalley had a funny hairband on. There were a lot of Christmas crackers and everyone got to pull one.

The menu was roast turkey, chippolata sausages, mealie, roast tatties, mash tatties, sweetcorn, baby carrots and sprouts. The pudding was Christmas pudding or jelly with ice-cream. Everyone liked the Christmas music and had a really nice time. Erin’s mum helped to make sure we all had crackers.

Written by Alex and Rhianna in the P2-4 S4L Newspaper Group

Getting into the Christmas Spirit
Dean and Sophie pulling their crackers
Alisha and Jessica pulling their crackers
Mrs. Canning in the Festive Spirit

The Stage is Set!

Thank you so much to Martin and his wife, Maureen who have worked incredibly hard to get the curtains for the upcoming shows just right.

Maureen stitched a large hem into the top of the curtains so that they could be looped over two broom handles. Martin then drilled holes into the broom handles so that they could be securely attached to our wall bars.

They have been put up this morning ready for the school shows. Very exciting!

Mission Christmas

For the first few weeks of this term, Primary 5 pupils were on a Christmas mission to raise as much money as they could for Cash for Kids. They took part in a sponsored read and organised guess the teddy’s birthday. They managed to raise an amazing £500! They then spent time researching toys, finding out the best places to buy the toys and working out what they could afford with the money. The classroom was filled with toys that will go to children who may not have received a present this Christmas. Well done to everyone in Primary 5.

P5 with all the toys they managed to buy.

Children in Need

Well done to all the pupils in P3J who organised a number of activities to raise money for Children in Need. Through holding a dress as you please day, bake sale, guessing games and by putting pennies on Pudsey we managed to raise £610! Pudsey has written a letter to P3J to highlight that every penny they have helped to raise will go towards projects that are making positive changes to the lives of disadvantaged children and to thank them for all of their hard work. Well done to Owen Black in P4 for correctly guessing the number of sweeties in the jar and Romi Campbell (P7) who won the teddy bear.
Here are Connor Stewart and Mrs McBride enjoying the activities

Well done to all the pupils in P3J who organised a number of activities to raise money for Children in Need. Through holding a dress as you please day, bake sale, guessing games and by putting pennies on Pudsey we managed to raise £610! Pudsey has written a letter to P3J to highlight that every penny they have helped to raise will go towards projects that are making positive changes to the lives of disadvantaged children and to thank them for all of their hard work. Well done to Owen Black in P4 for correctly guessing the number of sweeties in the jar and Romi Campbell (P7) who won the teddy bear..Here are Connor Stewart and Mrs McBride enjoying the activities.

Conner and Pudsey

Netball Success

Katie Stewart, Esther Morris, Ailbhe O’Sullivan, Ellie Jaffrey, Kayla Wotherspoon, Erin Kelly, Lois Jay-Muir, Shanna Kelman and Evie Howells took part in their first Garioch Netball League at Old Meldrum Academy with huge success. They won their match 7-0 and Esther won Player of the Match. They are very excited about their next game which will be on the 11th of December. Good Luck to all of you!

Well Done!

Santa Fun Run 2014

The Santa Fun Run was held on the 29th of November. An amazing 248 people signed up to put on their Santa costume and run two kilometres around Gordon Park.

The event saw young and old, babies and even dogs waiting with anticipation and excitement at the starting line. When the horn blew at 10.30am the fun began. Each Santa had the finish line firmly in their view as they went, “ho, ho, ho” around the park.

However, not only will they receive an applause and a medal to keep for life, they were then greeted by the extravagant Christmas fayre. This included a number of stalls, spectacular food, bouncy castles and even a glorious Santa’s Grotto once we managed to tempt Santa away from the chocolate fountain!

We would like to say a massive thank you to Erin’s mum, Tracy Kelly and Mrs. Stewart who put so much time and effort into organising the event. We really appreciate it.  Have a look at some of the pictures below.

Written by the P4-7 Skills for Life, Learning and Work Newspaper Group.

Waiting for the start

Mrs Stewart, Santa's best helper
Pupils from P3 selling candy cane reindeer at the Christmas Fayre
Lots of stalls selling great stuff made by pupils at Ellon Primary