All posts by Mrs Whalley

Wishing Mrs Lindsay a Fond Farewell


Mrs. Lindsay came into school on the 19th of January for a farewell assembly with the whole school. The Primary seven pupils from Ms Paterson’s class sang two songs from her hometown of Athlone in Ireland and performed a dance. Athlone is described as being at the heart of Ireland and Mrs. Lindsay was most definitely at the heart of our school. Here we have the oldest girl in the school, Emily Stewart, and the youngest boy, Dean Gordon, who presented Mrs. Lindsay with her gifts and flowers. We wish Mrs. Lindsey good luck with her new post as Head Teacher at Newburgh Mathers.


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Robbie’s One Minute Workout

For many people, New Year brings about a desire to make improvements in our lifestyle.

For Robbie, it has brought about a desire to not only make an improvement to his own life but also to other peoples’ lives.

Robbie’s New Year resolution is to help other people get fit.

He has kick started his resolution by holding a One Minute Workout at our assembly. He created a workout which consisted of six different exercises and he carried out each one for 10 seconds. Robbie even managed to get the staff to take part too!

The children enjoyed their workout and could feel their hearts beating faster after just one minute.

Well done, Robbie!

Robbie (P7) on his stage carrying out one of the exercises.
Our P4-7 classes taking part in the One Minute Workout.

Happy New Year from all of us

Happy New Year!

We hope that this is  wonderful year for everyone at Ellon Primary school and their families.

A number of pupils have started the year off with New Year Resolutions. Here are Sophie, Sean and Kerena from Primary five who have decided to eat more fruit, get better at tidying up and Sean has decided to walk his dog more often. Good luck to everyone who has set themselves a New Year Resolution. We look forward to hearing about how you get on.

Sean's Resolution
Sophie, Sean and Kerena
Sophie's Resolution
Kerena's Resolution

Barnardo’s – Celebrating 25 Years!

Ellon Primary School is celebrating our 25th year of supporting Barnardo’s.

Since 1990 we have raised over £19 000 for Barnardo’s.

On Monday we were visited by Hayley from the charity who spoke to us about the benefits that Barnardo’s has brought to families in Scotland. If we still have our cottage boxes then we can get a new wrap-around and if we don’t have our box (like the P1s) then we can get a consent form and a new box. The boxes will be collected in the Summer term and we will find out how much we have managed to raise.

Hayley from the Barnardo's charity
Joe, Ross and Sally helping at the assembly

S4L P2-4 Newspaper Group

The Skills for Learning, Life and Work Newspaper Group have been hard at work creating articles for the School Blog and the School Newspaper.

They used their interviewing skills to find out more about our school administrator and they  are learning how to write news reports.

Working hard on our articles for the school newsletter
We had to think carefully about how to work what we were writing
We worked together in the conference room and we helped each orher

Ellon Primary School Christmas Assembly

This year’s Christmas assembly told the real meaning of Christmas while celebrating the amazing talent that the pupils hold.

Our speakers who told the Chritmas story
We played Christmas songs on the cello while our music instructor, Mr Mathieson, played the piano for us.
We were a little bit nervous before we started to play but we really enjoyed it.
I have been working hard to learn the songs.
Just before we played in front of the whole school.
Margaret and Ron have been delivering our religious assemblies this session so it was very nice that they were able to come along and speak at our Christmas assembly too.
Alison helped the P7s learn the songs for their Remembrance Assembly and she played the piano for us today too.
Gene and Maja played extremely well and Maja was brave enough to play a solo too.

The Xmas Factor!

The Xmas Factor!

Well what a show!! Parents, granparents, brothers and sisters, young and old all lined up waiting in anticipation for the P6-P7 Christmas show. The outfits were put on, the last minute adjustments to hair were put in place and then it was time to get going.

We were all feeling a bit nervous but we were looking forward to putting the show on too. The songs were quite hard to learn but we knew we would be able to do them well because we had all tried so hard to learn the words and the actions.

Here are some photos of our concert:

We also have some short video clips of our concert too which will be uploaded very soon. Watch this space!

P4, P4/5, P5 Party

Today we had our party.  All of the P4 children and the P5 children were together which was good because we all worked hard for our concert together too.

It all started after lunch time once we had our party clothes on. We had cool music on like a real disco and sometimes it was really noisy which was fun.

We were all jumping up and down and dancing together before we had our party food. The parent helpers were fantastic and had it all ready for us going in which was amazing.

After that, we played games like pass the parcel and pass the dictionary!

Thomas was the music man

We played pass the parcel

We played pass the dictionary

It was hot in the hall

We had our party clothes on

Mrs Beaton had on a Christmas tree hat which kept falling off and making us laugh. Ms Jamieson has tinsel on and even a flashing badge. Mrs. Gardner has Christmassy earings and a big smile. Mrs Tewnion and Ms Davidson were really good at dancing.

It was the best party ever.

If you want to see us dancing have a look at this:

Dancing more – This video has lots of dancing in it.

Dancing – This video has even more dancing in it.

Our P1, P1/2, P2 Party

We had our Christmas party and it was the best fun ever. We got to wear our nice clothes and the teachers had nice clothes on too. We were dancing to the music and we had a lot of really nice food to eat. When Santa came in we all sang Jingle Bells. It was really exciting. He asked us if we had all been good and when we said yes he gave us a present out of his sack. We got to take the present home with us too.

Click on the blue links to have a look at our videos.  Here is one showing that Santa was coming in: Santa’s Coming

Here is a video of us all singing Jingle Bells – Jingle Bells!