Ardeonaig 2018

Day 3

This is the local adventure, we went up some of the Perthshire hills, it’s really fun and you get to learn about the environment around you.

For the last full day we all had a camp fire and Mrs Radford sang lots of song and we sang with her.

Morlich and Voil did the high ropes today. Morlich had a challenge and it was to see if you could walk across the first, second or third balance beam, but when you came down you sat on the first balance beam and leant back andhung upside down like spiderman.

These are some team challenges, crate climbing and our short rope course. Team challenges devolp our team work, the short rope course got us ready for the high rope course, SCARY!? In  crate climbing we worked as a team while some of us belayed and put crates on the crane to take them t.o the climbers.

See you all tomorrow.

By Jon, Rebecca and Molly

Day 2







These are some of the other things we did. Some of the pictures are of the High Ropes, Hiking and Crate Climbing.

Today for our meals   we had sweet and sour chicken for dinner.

For breakfast we had a selection of stuff.

For  lunch we made our own sandwichs we had lettuce , cucumber , egg mayonaise , salami and cheese.

Today we arrived at Ardionaig!

Today we arrvied at Ardeonaig and we have done some fun activities like archery, crate climbing, spiders web, team challenges and we are looking forward for more activities tomorrow!

In the Sports hall some of us played dogeball while others were playing table tennis and pool in the games room. Or you could watch a movie in the lounge.

We had steak pie and sweetcorn for dinner, it was quite tasty we also had ice cream for pudding!

It is quite big, all of the rooms are named after scottish clans! The bedrooms are quite big!

We have activity groups for outside and they are all named after Scottish lochs!

By Sarah and Jack!

We made it here. Great place, lovely house and views. Here’s a sneaky photo. Watch this space for some more pics coming soon. Don’t forget to leave some comments.

54 thoughts on “Ardeonaig 2018”

  1. Glad you all got there safely, hope the sun came out for you.
    Sleep well tonight for I’m sure tomorrow will be full of fun. X

  2. Hi Jon and everyone, glad to hear you arrived safely. Hope you’ve had a great first day and you’ll be ready for your bed tonight. Taylor, Miley & Lexi are missing you already, I told them you’ll be having a great time and they’ll see you soon. Can’t wait to hear all about your day tomorrow. Hope you get to sleep ok. Love and miss you heaps (Dad phoned earlier for an update) from Mum, Taylor, Miley & Lexi. Xxx

  3. Glad you’ve arrived safely. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip and seeing more photos on your blog. Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.
    From Claire, Paul and Emma (Sophie’s mum, dad and sister) xx

  4. Glad you all arrived safe, looks like great fun already. Paige, your Mum, Dad, Noah and Pepper and missing you!

    Have a fantastic time!

  5. Looks like you have all had a great time so far, hope the weather improves for you all.
    Hope you enjoyed the crate building Scarlett. Lucy is missing you, you may find she has taken over your bedroom when you come back.
    Lots of love Dad, Mum and Lucy x

  6. Looks like you have had a fun day. Hope the sun shines for you tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing some more pictures tomorrow. Sarah – Harley is missing you. x

  7. Glad to see you have all arrived safely and are enjoying all the activities. Hope the weather improves tomorrow. Sleep well. Love the picture of you doing your domestic chores in the kitchen xxx

  8. Hi Ailsa . Seen you showing off your ping pong skills on the Facebook page. You should all be knackered tonight. Look forward to reading the next update . Love mum, dad, Emily Lucy, lazerus and Blaine

  9. I’m glad you’re there safe. It’s great to see you happy in the photos. We’re all missing you. We hope you all have a great day tomorrow and get some sunshine!
    Mum, Dad and Nathan xx

  10. Lovely to see your photos and hear your news. Looking forward to the next update. Have a great time everyone 😀

  11. Wow you packed a lot into your first day there. I am sure you will all sleep well tonight😴😉 look forward to seeing your update tomorrow xx

  12. Great to see the groups working together and having fun. Make sure you all get a good rest because tomorrow will be another busy day. Looking forward to more of your blog and photo’s. Sleep well guys. Finally Happy birthday Draegan ! Xx

  13. Looks like you’ve have a great first day! Hope the weather is nicer for you tomorrow. Have fun P6 😀

  14. Looks like so much fun. Hope the weather is better for you tomorrow. Can’t wait to see more photos.

  15. Absolutely great to see these pics. Much love Rose, we miss you. Hope you sleep well and have fun 😊xxx

  16. Hi Freya, sorry that I’m so late commenting, I’ve been out at work. Looks like there’s lots of fun things for you all to do, hope the sun shines for you tomorrow and you have a great day! Hope you managed to get something to eat at teatime – we know how fussy you are!
    Love you loads! Mum xxx

  17. Hope you all have an amazing time tomorrow and that the sun shines for you!! Enjoy the beautiful scenery!!! Dylan says hi Jason!

  18. Glad you got there safely, looks like an awesome place, you’re all going to have an amazing time. Glad to see they’ve got you doing tidying-up duties, Molly you’ve no excuse now not to wash-up after dinner and hoover your room! Robin asks if he can have your bedroom…..(we’ve told him no!) Missing you loads, enjoy your day today, love Mum, Dad and Grandma xxxx

  19. What a busy day you all had yesterday, looked like great fun. Enjoy today and hope it’s sunny for you and look forward to seeing photos of what you have been up to 😊
    From Kerry (Katie’s mum) x

  20. Glad you all arrived safe and sound.

    Paige, your Mum, Dad, Noah and Pepper are missing you and are delighted you are having a fab time.


    Admin (delete if this is second message, last nights didn’t appear.)

  21. Hope you are all having a great time and looking forward to seeing more pictures of Hannah and all the kids having fun over the coming days.

    Keep having fun and enjoy!

  22. Hope you’ve had a lovely day today P6. Looking forward to the next post xxx House very quiet without you Lexie, but hoping you’re having a fabby time xxx

  23. Hi Heather.

    House was very quiet without you. Hope you managed to get up ok this morning. Enjoy yourself and we’ll see you when you get back. Can’t wait to see next lot of photos. Lots of love mum, dad, Kayleigh, laggan, dram and buie.

  24. Looks like you are all having a great time. I’m very jealous!! Hope you have all had an exciting 2nd day; looking forward to seeing / reading about what you got up to.
    Sleep well everyone and enjoy every minute.
    Love from Kieran’s Mum
    (Ps the house is VERY quiet)

  25. Looks like you are all having a great time!
    Keep the photos coming…
    Missing you Brodie, love mum,dad, Jessie, Jackson and Romach xxxxx

  26. Looks like you are all having a great time! Looking forward to seeing more photos. Missing you Millie !!

  27. Great photos again today P6. Looks like you’re all having fun. We’re all fine at home Jack, and can’t wait to hear all about it! You’re doing really well 👍🏻 Proud of you 😀 love Mum & Dad

  28. Hi Jon, it’s great seeing all the photos, looks like you’re all enjoying yourselves, looks like you’ve had a fun day today, hope your bed is comfy and you’re getting to sleep ok! Bet your the first one up!! Enjoy your day tomorrow and I’ll see you soon. Love Mum, Taylor, Miley & Lexi. Xxx

  29. Looks like another fun day P6. Looking forward to seeing more photos. Hope you are having a great time Freya. Love Mum & Dad x

  30. Hi Jon, sounds like you’re all having a brilliant time!! I can’t wait to hear all your news and see more photos. We all miss you, even Taylor, although she won’t admit that haha!! Enjoy the rest of your trip.
    Lots of love Auntie Lynne xx

  31. Great photos P6 – looks like you are all having a fantastic time! Enjoying all the updates that you are safe and well. Finlay – the house is VERY quiet and Fraser is lost without you annoying him. Sleep well tonight. Love Mum, Dad and Fraser xxx

  32. Great photos, looks like you’re all having great fun P6. Keep the photos coming.
    Ben the house is very quiet without you. Xx

  33. Fab photos again P6, looks like you are all having a great time making memories.
    Well done Jake on the high ropes! Hope you got a decent sleep and are having lots of fun. Lots of love Mum, Dad & Luke (he’s counting down the hours until your back). xx

  34. Freya, we hope you’re becoming more adventurous with your eating, or your going to be starving! Sending you lots of love and hugs, from Mum, Dad, Callum and Lucy xxxx (and Molly and Luna too! 🐕) Missing you! xx

  35. Looks like Day 2 was another day full of fun P6. Great pictures. Good to see you putting all them wall climbing lessons to good use Scarlett. We’ll get you up washing the high windows when you get home. Missing you. Mum, Dad and Lulu.

  36. Looks like you’re all having fun on day 2 – great photos! Hope you sleep well tonight and have another ace day tomorrow!
    Sophie, we will get the DVD of the P7/P4 show so you will get to see it after all. It was brilliant! Emma LOVED the good luck message you sent ❤️. Looking forward to hearing all about your trip when you get home. Love from Mum, Dad and Emma xxx

  37. Hi Ailsa, we are all missing you loads. It’s so quiet without you. Hope you are having a great time. Love dad, mum, Emily, Lucy, Blaine and Laz xxx

  38. Hi Gretchen, we’ve been looking out for you in the photos, very proud of you for going on the high climbing stuff! Hope you are doing fine and miss you lots. The dogs are confused where you have gone (poor boys) ! Keep smiling, have fun and we’ll see you soon, lots of love, xoxoxox

  39. Looks like you are having so much fun. I remember only a few years ago when I went on my P6 trip. Anyway, hope you have great fun and make the most of your time left.

  40. I love all the photos! You’re all having so much fun and making memories. We’re missing you loads. Love Mum, Dad and Nathan xx

  41. I am loving all the photos P6, you look like you are having a great time! School is quiet without you all and we are looking forward to having you back. I’m really enjoying reading all the comments and finding out the names of all your pets!
    Mrs Cooper is keeping me updated with text messages and I’m so impressed at how you are all being. Enjoy your last day tomorrow and I hope you all have a good journey back to us.
    See you all soon.

  42. Some good news for you.
    On Wednesday night the P7 and P4 show went ahead without any glitches. It was amazing!
    We had the show filmed by professionals so that you will all have an opportunity to see it when you are back home again.

  43. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow Rose. It looks like it’s been an amazing trip and I can’t wait to hear all about it. Hope the packing wasn’t too difficult! Much love little lady, miss you xx

  44. Looks like you’ve had a busy last full day, can’t wait to hear all your news tomorrow, loving all the pictures 😍 and hearing about what you’ve been up to. See you tomorrow, can’t wait to see you, love Mum, Taylor, Miley & Lexi. Xxx

  45. More great photos and another busy day! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow Finlay – safe journey home. Love Mum, Dad and Fraser (who has some very exciting news for you) xxx

  46. Great pics again P6. You all look like you are having an amazing time, I’m very jealous. Look forward to having you back Scarlett, soup is ready as requested 😁.x

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