maths work

P2 have been learning about counting in tens and counting bundles.  We have been counting tens and units and we have been learning about counting up to 100.  Most of us  are finding it quite easy!  We have been playing number bingo. 

P3 have been learning about subtracting and adding hundreds and tens up to 1000.  It is quite hard but we think were are getting the hang of it!  We have been very successful.  We played a game on the smartboard with 3 small penguins and one big penguin.  We had to move the penguins to the right place.  The small penguins were throwing snowballs at the big penguin.  We had to put the penguins on the numbers up to 1000.

One thought on “maths work”

  1. Sounds like you are all very clever in learning your numbers! Numbers can be so much fun!
    Chantal Power

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