How to fill a bucket.

We have been reading the story of  ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’.  We learnt all about being nice to each other. We took photographs of us being nice and filling each others buckets. We wrote a ‘Bucket Note’ saying whose bucket we would like to fill and why. We also made buckets, we have been sharing the toys and giving out friendship tokens.

One thought on “How to fill a bucket.”

  1. Hello primary two I just thought that I would leave you a message to say a huge WELL DONE for presenting your learning to us at assembly today. You know a lot about how to make friends by filling each others buckets. I have never read the story you were talking about. Can I borrow your book so that I can read the story?

    You spoke very clearly to the boys and girls and I thought that you were fantastic!

    Miss Stout and P2 you are stars!

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