Category Archives: Uncategorized

Eco-Schools Scotland is Changing

posted by Rodger Hill, Service Manger, Schools and Learning

Eco-Schools Scotland is changing – the attached PDF briefly highlights the changes. One of the changes in the process is the requirement to report. You will be asked to record annual information on energy use, waste, active travel, biodiversity and water (page 6). The Energy Management Unit can provide you with annual figures for your energy and water use. We can also assist you with any energy and water efficiency topics; we have some renewable energy related educational resources and we can pop along to talk to pupils about energy/water efficiency and renewable energy.


If you would like any assistance, contact the Energy Management Unit at

Early Years Partnership Event

posted by Eileen Jackson, Early Years Collaborative Programme Manager, Children and Learning

On Thursday last week 82 delegates attended a partnership event at the Reid Hall. Jointly hosted by Angus Early Years Collaborative & Tayside Centre For Organisational Effectiveness (TcOE) the event celebrated the  success of a range of improvement work across the early years.

Projects showcased included: –

  • Play@ Home
  • Bookbug – Catching the reading bug
  • Just Play – Family Cooking Group
  • Carnoustie Childcare Project
  • Child Health Allied Health Professionals 0-3 Years Children’s Pathway
  • Pre Birth support

There was such a positive energy and commitment throughout the morning as delegates shared practice, learning and considered next steps. Thank you to all who attended

The Early Years Collaborative (EYC) was launched in October 2012 and is the world’s first national multi-agency quality improvement programme. It is a coalition of Community Planning Partners in Angus – including social services, health, education, police and third sector professionals.

The overall ambition of EYC is ‘to make Scotland the best  place in the world to grow up in by improving outcomes and reducing inequalities for all babies, children, mothers, fathers and families to ensure that all children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed.’

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Rock Challenge – Day 2

posted by Angela Duce, Senior Clerical Officer, Schools and Learning

The Results are in from Day Two of the 2016 Be Your Best Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ in Dundee!

Five schools from Angus competed in the 2016 Be Your Best Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ and tonight, Forfar Academy were placed first in tonight’s Rock Challenge® competition with their piece ‘Chains of Egypt’. Visually stunning from the start, Forfar’s performance featured an array of creative props and costume designs with intricate details. Transporting the audience to ancient Egypt to explore the story of Moses, Forfar used strong choreographic formations combined with excellent characterisation to captivate the audience throughout. As well as winning an array of awards of excellence Forfar’s performance has qualified them through to the Scottish Final taking place at Caird Hall in June.

Strathmore Primary School placed first in the J Rock™ half of tonight’s show with their theatrical piece ‘Out of the Darkness and Into the Light’. A dramatic building soundtrack set the pace for this vibrant piece. Choreography using juxtaposing sides complemented their theme choice whilst this thought provoking theme mesmerised the audience leaving them with a hopeful message at the end.

Arbroath High School also attended the event and showcased their 2016 premier performance ‘Quarantine’. This dark theme grabbed the audience as Arbroath High School used powerful drama skills to tell a harrowing tale of a deadly virus outbreak in Rio. A mixture of dance styles drew the audience in as an eerie soundtrack built to a climactic and emotive finale with a tragic end for one of the main protagonists. Due to their success in previous years Arbroath High School have automatically qualified through to the Northern Premier Final held at Grimsby Auditorium in July.

The event, held at the Caird Hall, attracted an audience of over 900 people and was supported by PQA, Angus Council, Police Scotland, Choices for Life and Zeamu Music.

Angus Council’s Strategic Director of People, Margo Williamson who presented first place in the senior competition described the event as “Full of energy, full of verve, and wonderful to see so many people from across Angus, Dundee and Perth.”

Rock Challenge2 Rock Challenge3

          Forfar Academy – Chains of Egypt                          Arbroath High School – Quarantine

Rock Challenge4

Strathmore Primary School – Out of the Darness, into the light

Please find below the complete list of awards and placing’s from the 2016 Be Your Best Rock Challenge® at the Caird Hall on Wednesday 16th March:

Award School
1st Place Senior  Forfar Academy
1st  Place Junior  Strathmore Primary School
Angus Council Award of Excellence for Choreography Strathmore Primary School, Forfar Academy
Pauline Quirke Academy Award of Excellence for Performance Skill Strathmore Primary School, Perth High School, Forfar Academy
Choices for Life Award of Excellence for Stage Use Strathmore Primary School, Morgan Academy, Forfar Academy
Police Scotland Award of Excellence for Concept Warddykes Primary School, Forfar Academy
Pauline Quirke Academy Award of Excellence for Drama Inverbrothock Primary School, Forfar Academy
Angus Council Award of Excellence for Soundtrack Inverbrothock Primary School, Warddykes Primary School, Morgan Academy, Forfar Academy
Choices for Life Award of Excellence for Set Design and Function Warddykes Primary School, Perth High School, Forfar Academy
Buchan Embroidery Award of Excellence for Costuming Character Strathmore Primary School, Perth High School, Forfar Academy
Police Scotland Award of Excellence for Visual Enhancement Strathmore Primary School, Perth High School, Morgan Academy, Forfar Academy
Angus Council Award of Excellence for Entertainment Inverbrothock Primary School, Warddykes Primary School, Strathmore Primary School, Perth High School, Morgan Academy, Forfar Academy
Angus Council Award of Excellence for Lighting Forfar Academy, Warddykes Primary School, Strathmore Primary School, Perth High School
Be Your Best Foundation Award of Excellence for Stage Crew Strathmore Primary School, Forfar Academy
Visions Unlimited Award of Excellence for Video Performance Strathmore Primary School, Forfar Academy
Angus Council Award for Spirit of Rock Challenge® Arbroath High School
Choice for Life Award for Performers’ Choice Inverbrothock Primary School
Arbroath High Premier Awards of Excellence Performance Skill, Stage Use, Set Design and Function, Stage Crew, Drama, Visual Enhancement, Entertainment, Lighting, Video Performance
Rock Challenge® Award for Achievement in Drug Awareness Arbroath High School
Be Your Best Foundation Award for Student Leadership Forfar Academy
Rock Challenge® Award for School Community Support Warddykes Primary School/ Forfar Academy
Be Your Best Foundation Award for Healthy Lifestyle Strathmore Primary School/Forfar Academy
Rock Challenge® Award for Cultural and Educational Achievement Perth High School
Be Your Best Foundation Award for Positive Inclusion Inverbrothock Primary School/Arbroath High School

Rock Challenge – Day 1

posted by Angela Duce, Senior Clerical Officer, Schools and Learning

The Results are in from Day One of the 2016 Be Your Best Rock Challenge® in Dundee!

Two schools from Angus competed in the 2016 Be Your Best Rock Challenge® and Arbroath Academy were placed second in tonight’s show!

Arbroath Academy’s performance, ‘Wild things’, was colourful and energetic from start to finish.  Using vibrant and bold costumes to create larger than life characters Arbroath Academy created a truly mesmerising performance that was performed with whole hearted conviction.  A pulsating sound track kept up the pace of the story and allowed it to flow whilst atmospheric lighting added an extra dimension to this well thought out performance.

Montrose Academy took to the stage with their moving piece ‘Phytophthora’ which was based on the true events of the potato famine.  An impressive set design, which moved throughout, set a strong visual backdrop for this harrowing performance which showcased strong drama skills and excellent use of stage.  Bold lighting enhanced the performance whilst an emotive soundtrack guided the audience through their piece winning them an array of Awards of Excellence.

The event, held at Caird Hall, attracted a large audience and was supported by PQA, Angus Council, Police Scotland and Choices for Life.

Pauline Stephen, Head of Schools and Learning, attended the event and awarded first place and said “The performances are always amazing and so professional, and tonight was no exception.  We saw some absolutely wonderful talent on display. It just shows how good our young people are across the whole of Scotland.”

Photographs courtesy of Nick Scott Photography

Rock Challenge Rock Challenge1
                   Arbroath Academy – ‘Wild Things’          Montrose Academy – ‘Phytophthoa’

1st Place Kinross High School
2nd Place Arbroath Academy
3rd Place St John’s RC High School
Angus Council Award of Excellence for Choreography St John’s RC High School, Kinross High School, Larbert High School, Arbroath Academy
Pauline Quirke Academy Award of Excellence for Performance Skill St John’s RC High School, Kinross High School, Larbert High School , Montrose Academy, Arbroath Academy
Choices for Life Award of Excellence for Stage Use The Mary Erskine School, Kinross High School, Larbert High School , Montrose Academy, Arbroath Academy
Police Scotland Award of Excellence for Concept The Mary Erskine School, Kinross High School, Montrose Academy, Arbroath Academy
Pauline Quirke Academy Award of Excellence for Drama St John’s RC High School, Kinross High School, Larbert High School , Montrose Academy, Arbroath Academy
Angus Council Award of Excellence for Soundtrack St John’s RC High School, Montrose Academy, Arbroath Academy
Choices for Life Award of Excellence for Set Design and Function St John’s RC High School, Kinross High School, Montrose Academy, Arbroath Academy
Buchan Embroidery Award of Excellence for Costuming Character St John’s RC High School, Kinross High School, Larbert High School, Arbroath Academy
Police Scotland Award of Excellence for Visual Enhancement St John’s RC High School, Kinross High School, Larbert High School, Arbroath Academy
Angus Council Award of Excellence for Entertainment The Mary Erskine School, St John’s RC High School, Kinross High School, Larbert High School , Montrose Academy, Arbroath Academy
T-Mec Award of Excellence for Lighting Montrose Academy
Be Your Best Foundation Award of Excellence for Stage Crew Montrose Academy
Visions Unlimited Award of Excellence for Video Performance Montrose Academy
Angus Council Award for Spirit of Rock Challenge® The Mary Erskine School
Choice for Life Award for Performers’ Choice Kinross High School
Rock Challenge® Award for Achievement in Drug Awareness Arbroath Academy
Be Your Best Foundation Award for Student Leadership Montrose Academy
Rock Challenge® Award for School Community Support Arbroath Academy
Be Your Best Foundation Award for Healthy Lifestyle Arbroath Academy
Rock Challenge® Award for Cultural and Educational Achievement Arbroath Academy
Be Your Best Foundation Award for Positive Inclusion Kinross High School

CBBC Quiz Show

posted by Craig Taylor, Casting Researcher – Top Class, ITV Studios

ITV Studios

Could your school be TOP CLASS?

CBBC are on the lookout for the smartest kids in the country to take part in a brand
new quiz. Each show is a battle between two teams of students playing with one teacher to represent their school. Only one school will make it all the way through to the final and win the title of TOP CLASS – could that be YOUR school?

to find out more please click on the link below to view the flyer:

Top Class Flyer

Future of the EYC & RAFA

posted by Eileen Jackson, Early Years Collaborative Programme Manager

Representation from Angus gathered with Scottish Government Early Years Team members and other colleagues from across Scotland at the Queens Hotel Dundee to discuss the future of the EYC & RAFA


Discussion included : –
– considering a shared vision and ambition for a Children’s Improvement Collaborative that aligns with national policies and priorities
-refreshed draft aims for EYC and RAFA
-reflecting on progress being made across Scotland -exploring how CPP/LA quality improvement activity could be structured and supported locally to achieve results at scale
– considering potential local priorities for improvement at scale.
-feedback from CPP teams on ideas for future structures and potential focus for the next phase of the Collaboratives

Discussion will now progress locally with a view to bringing the 2 agendas together to advance our local improvement science!