Author Archives: Beverley Murray

Your School Food Day Needs You!

Posted by Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer

School Food DayThe first School Food Day takes place on 23rd September to celebrate Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink, which also coincides with the first day of the Scottish Learning Festival on 23rd and 24th September in Glasgow. We’re looking for your help to make School Food Day a success and have a number of ways for you to get involved and pledge your support. You could create a food inspired poster, invite parents into your school for lunch or host your own Ready Steady Cook Challenge. You can show your support by registering for School Food Day here where you can tell us about the activities your planning to get your whole school involved.

As part of School Food Day we’re asking schools across Scotland to take part in the 12 o’clock Lunch Crunch on Wednesday 23 September. We’re asking those taking part to eat an apple at 12 noon as part of The Lunch Crunch which will be broadcast live via Glow TV from our Food for Thought showcase area at the Scottish Learning Festival in Glasgow’s SECC.

School Food Day is the perfect way to get involved if you’re unable to attend the festival – sign up here to show your support.







The 21st Century Public Servant

Posted by Margo Williamson, Strategic Director – People

I recently read ‘The 21st Century Public Servant’,

a paper based on research by two academics from Birmingham University. For me, the paper highlights the essential relevance of the skills and attributes for those who serve. It reflects a shift away from experts in particular fields imparting their knowledge on those lesser experts who also serve, whether as an elected members or officers. It proposes a role that requires a generic skill set where values, engagement and interactions create the best outcomes with and for our citizens. Of course, those interactions must be built on trust.

Since the inception of Curriculum for Excellence, the relevance and importance of skills has been to the fore. How often have we heard, ‘we are preparing children for jobs, that have yet to be created’? For me, that always seemed about their future, not mine. Yet, here we have a paper quite clearly defining the 21st Century public servant that we all need to be now. A public servant who cares about the people they work for and the environment they want to work and live in.

So how does this apply in the teaching and learning world?

Visible Learning research showed teachers’ subject matter knowledge had little effect on the quality of student outcomes. It appeared not to be the subject knowledge that had the impact on performance but how well the teacher organised the learning. Might it also have been how much the teacher wanted the child to learn and enjoy their area of expertise? There is nothing more rewarding than enabling another to enjoy an area of learning you are passionate about.

If this subject expertise is less important to outcomes, what are the characteristics of a good teacher? Are they the same as the ones outlined in the paper for a 21st Century Public Servant?




Resource Weaver?


Or my old favourite, Teachers and other professionals around the child seeing themselves as Boundary Spanners? those who can demonstrate care for a young person, inspire them to learn (their subject) and work with all others to ensure every one of them succeeds.

Brechin Sail with Ocean Youth Trust Scotland

Posted by Su Spink, Brechin High School

Ocean Youth PhotoLast term 9 pupils in S3 at Brechin High School took part in a week’s sailing trip with Ocean Youth Trust Scotland accompanied by Miss Smith (Maths) and Mr Vernon (PE).

Under the guidance of specialist sea staff, sails were hoisted, the boat was steered by pupils, positions plotted and log books filled out. Pupils took it in turns to ensure that there was a tasty feast awaiting the hungry crew of 18. None of the pupils had any real experience of sailing but by the end of the voyage the Sea Staff where happy for them to take control. The pupils arrived with a change of clothes, a pair of wellies, enthusiasm and a sprit of adventure.

They left with the experience of a lifetime and memories that will last them forever.

Presentation To Alliance Trust

Posted by Su Spink, Brechin High School

Brechin High School pupils Allyn McLaren, Josh Sharpe and Kayleigh Cameron gave a presentation to a room of delegates in a bid to secure funding for OYTS from the Alliance Trust.

Here is some of the feedback: ‘I wanted to say thank you so much to Allyn, Josh, and Kayleigh for their fantastic contribution at yesterday’s presentation. They represented OYT Scotland and the school so well. They were polite and told their stories with such passion. The employees at Alliance Trust were really impressed with their presentation and commented specifically about them and how they brought home what OYT Scotland are all about…..I was so impressed with the three of them- such a great performance!’


Free Training Opportunity For Anyone Working With Parents/Carers

Posted by Beverley Scheepers, Development Officer – Early Years, ASH Scotland


ASH Scotland is proud to offer a fully funded training opportunity for family support workers, befrienders, home/school link workers and early years staff from both voluntary and local authority based organisations.  If you work or volunteer in a role which involves supporting families with young children, then this training is for you and we will be in Arbroath, Dundee and Perth to deliver the training in October/November 2015 (follow the website link below for all the date options or see the poster above).

For further details about the training and booking opportunities, please see the ASH Scotland Website



2016 Dundee Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ Events

By Sophia Campbell, Event and Media Manager- UK Rock Challenge® and J Rock™

From 6am on Tuesday 22nd September Senior Schools, Academies and Sixth Form Colleges (6:30am for Junior and Primary Schools) registration will open  to take part in one of the region’s most dazzling, high energy performing arts competitions as the Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ tour returns for 2016!

The 2016  Dundee Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ events will take place on

Tuesday 15th March and Wednesday 16th March.

Arbroath High-062These events will provide the opportunity for schools from across Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross to showcase their creativity, talent and imagination on the stage of The Caird Hall. In 2015 the Dundee Rock Challenge® and Arbroath J Rock™ events involved eleven schools from across Dundee, Angus, Perth and Kinross involving over 1220 young people.

The Be Your Best Foundation, registered charity since April 1998 (registered charity number 1077291), facilitate the production and expansion of the Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ in the UK and these Rock Challenge® events aim to inspire, engage and motivate young people to make healthy and positive lifestyle choices. Each show provides the opportunity for young people to experience an adrenalin-based high through performing live on a professional stage rather than using tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.Forfar Academy-225

 Teams as small as 10, or as large as 135 students, collaborate with teachers, parents and wider communities to prepare an eight minute performance. These preparations are undertaken over many weeks and months and showcase an array of skills in dance, drama and design. Set to a theme of their choice each school’s performance is completely original and can vary from tackling a political or social message, retelling a true event or an entirely imaginative concept. You can see more information about the event in our promotional video here:

To receive all the latest information on how to secure a place in the 2016 events a school can contact the Rock Challenge® and J Rock™ office on 02392 985710 and be added to the mailing list. Due to popular demand entries are on a first come first served basis and entry forms will be available on Tuesday 22nd September from 6am on the website:
