Personal and Social Education – Parliamentary Business: Scottish Parliament

posted by Alita Spink, Support Officer, Schools and Learning

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Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee consider and report on matters falling within the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills. This includes: Early Years and Childcare, Schools and Teaching, Child protection and Looked After Children, Skills

Round-table discussion

The Committee plans to host a round-table discussion on Personal and Social Education (PSE) on Wednesday 22 February 2017. The Committee wants to understand what the main issues are in relation to the content and delivery of PSE. This is likely to be a wide-ranging session and will help the Committee to decide what further work it may do on this topic.

Your views

The Committee is keen to hear the views of young people, teachers, parents and carers on PSE.

The Committee is looking for your views on this question:

What should personal and social education sessions be about?

There are several ways you can contribute to the Committee’s work on PSE:

However you want to respond, please provide your views to the Committee by Monday 13 February 2017.

If you have any questions please contact the Committee clerks on 0131 348 5204.

Treatment of emails and submissions

As normal, the Committee will publish any emails or other submissions on this work.  If you would like your email to be published anonymously, please make that clear in your email. 

The Scottish Parliament’s policy on written evidence can be found here:

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