posted by Lesley Eaton, School Travel Administrator
We’re happy to announce that one lucky event will earn themselves an amazing stunt show from The Clan absolutely free in 2017 by entering here:
Why? We’ve noticed good causes finding it harder and harder to fund an amazing performance like ours. This is very important to us because putting on shows to help generate money for social enterprises, raise awareness of cycling and promote healthy living has been such an important part of our work over the past decade.
Something as amazing as The Clan is never going to be cheap and whilst we can’t do this for everyone (as much as we’d love to!!!), we thought we should at least offer one event this amazing opportunity.
This competition is open to charities/social enterprises/community groups schools(i.e. not for profit groups) so please even if this doesn’t fit your event, share this with your local community and help us find a great cause!