Monthly Archives: December 2020

University of Dundee Discovery Days 2021

Posted by Shabnam Wasim, Public Engagement Officer, University of Dundee


Event: Discovery Days 2021
Dates and times: Wednesday 13th – Friday 15th January 2021
Wednesday 9th January 15.00-16.30
Thursday 10th January 10.00-15.10
Friday 11 January 10.00-15.10

Venue: Online via Microsoft Teams

Main Details:
Join us at the University of Dundee to listen to our newest professors and award-winning staff & students, as they share with us the ideas that inspire them. Everyone is welcome.

Discovery Days 2021 will also include a public session of the University’s Court, where you will have the unique opportunity to hear from, and pose questions to, the Chair of Court, the Principal, and the Student Union president.

This event is free to attend, but booking is recommended. To see the full programme of speakers, and to book your free tickets please visit: