Grants4Schools New Alerts

posted by Rhonda McFarlane, Funding Officer, Strategic Policy and Performance

Foyle Foundation Schools Library Programme (UK)
State funded schools as well as dedicated schools that do not have or want to improve their libraries can apply for funding of between £1,000 and £10,000 through the Foyle Foundation Schools Library Programme. Priority will be given to primary schools and to funding library books. The Foundation will also consider contributions towards e-readers, library software, necessary IT equipment and specialist seating/desks. Preference will be given to schools which can clearly demonstrate that their library can be maintained and renewed in the future. Applications can be submitted at any time.

Funding for Projects that Support Disadvantaged Young People (UK)
Grants of over £10,000 per project are available to not for profit organisations and schools that work with young people who are experiencing disadvantage through illness, distress, abuse or neglect; any kind of disability; behavioural or psychological difficulties; and / or living in poverty or situations of deprivation. Schools can also apply for funding but the project must be additional to their statutory duties. The funding is being made available through the BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme. The next closing date for applications is the 13th September 2019.

Grants for Chemistry-Based Public and Schools Engagement Activities (UK)
Grants of up to £2,000 are available for chemistry-based public and school engagement activities that offer teachers a range of effective curriculum-enriching opportunities to further engage their students. Open to individuals and organisations, the aim is to provide hard-to-reach student audiences with inspiring chemistry engagement opportunities through outreach activities. The Chemistry Society’s Small Grants Outreach Fund is run on a rolling basis with the next deadline being 12 noon on the 9th September 2019.

Funding for Chemistry Clubs at Schools and Colleges (UK)
Schools and colleges can apply for grants of up to £1,000 to run chemistry activities. The funds which are made available by the Royal Society of Chemistry, are targeted at activities run at schools and colleges outside the normal science timetable. Activities should be focused on generating interest in chemistry in all ability levels or which may provide opportunities to stretch and challenge the already able and motivated students. Applications from existing chemistry clubs looking to expand/ enhance activities would be welcome as would those from schools and colleges interested in starting a new club. An application would need to indicate how the longevity of the proposal was ensured and how best practice and experience from it might be shared within and between other (perhaps feeder) schools. The application must be made by a teacher at a primary or secondary school. Applications can be submitted at any time.


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