Workshop for Nursery Teachers – Democratic participation Campaign – Quality Labels Leave a reply posted by Rhonda McFarlane, Funding Officer, Economic Development NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHERS: Apply now to attend a fully funded CPD workshop in the Czech Republic this June. Deadline for applications is 3 May 2019. QUALITY LABEL APPLICATIONS: The deadline for your project to be considered for this year’s eTwinning National Awards has been confirmed. Please submit your quality label application before 23 June. DEMOCRATIC PARTICIPATION COMPETITION: Remember to sign in to eTwinning Live to access ready-made activities and resources, and enter our competition by 7 May to win some goodies for your class. YOUR ETWINNING EXPERIENCE: Has it been positive or negative? Please do let us know. We ask you three questions in this short survey – estimated to take two minutes to complete. For more information please click on the link below: Nursery Teacher Training Opportunity