Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer, Schools and Learning
New opportunities for a new year
Happy New Year to you and your students and a warm welcome to our first newsletter of 2018.
There are many ways for your school to take part in Commonwealth Class activity this year. Read on to find out about professional development webinars for teachers, a unique opportunity for students to get in touch with their country leaders, science resources and more.
Professional development and classroom resources
Join our first webinar for teachers
Each session is designed to provide teachers with the resources and skills to help young people understand global challenges and express their opinion. The first of our four webinars takes place on Wednesday 17 January and will focus on ‘protecting the environment’. Learn how to make the most out of our science-based classroom resources – join the session live or listen back in your own time. Find out more.
Protecting the environment
How would your students feel if their favourite animal’s habitat disappeared? Or what would they do if a big earthquake struck their hometown? Our dedicated page on ‘protecting the environment’ is packed with ideas to help you get students talking about the topic. Find out more.
How can we stay safe as sea levels rise?
Students can learn more about protecting the environment with our resource on the science behind rising sea levels, which includes a series of practical cross-curricular activities. They can also watch a video to learn about how communities on the Pacific island of Kiribati are learning to stay safe and take care of their surroundings. Download the resource.
Young Commonwealth Learners
More easy-to-understand resources for young students are available via the Commonwealth Secretariat’s dedicated website. You will find a wealth of information about the Commonwealth, plus downloadable posters, quizzes and more materials to use in the classroom. Take a look.
Commonwealth Class opportunities coming up
Get in touch with your country leader
Ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in April, we are collecting students’ thoughts and questions on the future of the Commonwealth. These will be shared on social media and with country leaders via the meeting organisers, and prizes will be awarded to the ten most inspired submissions. It’s easy to take part – find out how.
Dates for your diary
Keep an eye out for news about special activities and new resources to tie in with this year’s Commonwealth Day, which takes place on 12 March. The deadline for entries to the teachers’ short story writing competition is 12 February, so there’s still plenty of time to submit an entry.