Monthly Archives: September 2017

Choices For Life

posted by Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer 

Choices For Life Competition 2018 – ‘Your Choice Your Voice’

Following the success of the Choices for Life ‘Your Choice, Your Voice’ competition which was launched in January 2017, Police Scotland would like to invite all Secondary Schools and Primary Schools in Scotland to participate in this year’s competition.

‘Choices for Life’ is an innovative diversionary and educational initiative delivered by Police Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government. The main objective is to raise awareness amongst young people aged 11-18 about the risks and dangers of substance use and misuse, including tobacco, alcohol, drugs and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS).

‘Your Choice, Your Voice’ is designed to support the transition of P7 pupils to High School by encouraging collaborative working between P7 and S1 pupils to develop a ‘creative’ piece around the ‘Choices for Life’ key messages.

Entries will ideally come from ‘Clusters’ of primary schools working together with their allocated High School to mirror the ongoing transition work already in place.

Entries should demonstrate a creative theme and reflect the ‘Choices for Life’ key messages and will be uploaded and embedded on individual school websites as a promotional tool for ‘Choices for Life’ within the school community. Issues surrounding cyber and internet related concerns may also be addressed but should not form the basis of an entry.

Each cluster / school will decide on the format their entry takes with suggestions including, but not limited to, a short video, musical piece, artwork or presentation.

Entrants are encouraged to research ‘Choices for Life’ to gain an understanding of the key messages and submissions are urged to be as innovative as possible and must be appropriate for 11 – 18 year olds. Details can be found on the Young Scot website (

Smoke Free Play

posted by Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer

In partnership with Play Scotland, ASH Scotland have created a series of free resources with early years, family support services & primary schools in mind. These resources encourage smoke-free places for children to play, learn & socialise. Check out the series of fun signage featuring superhero and cartoon characters on a simple information sheet telling you more about how and why children benefit from smoke-free play and short case studies from settings who have already introduced smoke-free zones.