Monthly Archives: August 2017


posted by Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer

Ask young people in your networks to take part in this exciting opportunity to connect with Scottish athletes competing at forthcoming Major Games

Ever wondered what athletes do when they’re off camera?  Are they superhuman even in their down time or are they just like us? How do they feel when they’re competing? Do they have a lucky mascot?

As Scotland’s athletes prepare to perform on the world stage at the Winter Olympics, Paralympics and Commonwealth Games in 2018, we at sportscotland will be out across the country in the next few months interviewing these extraordinary people and finding out what makes them tick.

Which is where YOU come in. What would you like to #AskAnAthlete?

It can be anything from the food they eat to the telly they watch to the role models they look up to. We are looking to create a list of 10 questions that we will pose to the athletes and then we will use the answers to create a series of videos that we will promote through social media as the 2018 Games approach.

The authors of the 10 questions that make the cut will have their names featured in the videos.

And you might even get the chance to #AskAnAthlete in person.

How to join in?

Social media  – Use #AskAnAthlete on Twitter to send us your question/s. Try and include who exactly the question is from – first name, age, school/club/community sport hub.

Email option:

sportscotland communications team

Families Outside – Bulletin (July 2017)

posted by Alita Spink, Support Officer, Schools & Learni

We at Families Outside are pleased to release our July 2017 edition of the Bulletin newsletter which covers the work of the organisation over the last quarter.

Bulletin – July 2017

Conference 2017 Outcomes – report on the valued input from both speakers and delegates, and a way forward with Police Scotland in supporting families at the point of arrest.

Assisted Prison Visit Schemes – there have been significant changes to the APVU scheme which will impact the families who use it.  Please read the update to find out what has changed.

Working in Partnership, Raising the Standards – an article on the input of delegates to the recent Prison Visitors’ Centre Conference, where the new National Performance Framework for Prison Visitors’ Centres was unveiled

Family Support Work Case Study – the case study of one of our own Regional Family Support Coordinators who supported a young boy experiencing, not only his uncle being in prison, but also the imminent imprisonment of his dad.

They’ve Been Sent To Prison – the new service card reported on last quarter has been growing arms and legs with buy in now from a number of the new Community Planning Partnerships and also the NHS.  Information on these cards is provided and we will be continuing to drive this cost effective method of “getting our message across”.

Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) 2017 – a report on the annual COPE campaign and where the focus will lie this year.

If you have any comments or suggestions for the Bulletin we would be delighted to hear from you.

And as of next quarter the bulletin will be taking on a whole new format, thanks to our new Communications & Marketing Manager, who has been shaking things (and us) up.

Families Outside Support & Information Helpline: 0800 245 0088

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