Learning for Sustainability e-bulletin

posted by Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer, Schools and Learning

Register for new series of Education Scotland LfS Practitioner Network events.
• Free British Council CLPL course for teachers in Scotland – Learning for Sustainability: Connecting Classrooms.Sustainability
Your views are needed to improve UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Programme.
• Global citizenship and children’s rights CLPL courses in Glenrothes and Perth.
• Create richer learning environments with the Loose Parts Play Toolkit.
• Explore the Scottish food system through this CLPL opportunity at Whitmuir Farm Field of Enquiry 2000m2.
• Recognising and realising children’s rights in youth work resource now available.
• OWL Gardening and Woodland CLPL session for teachers coming up.
Game of cones – tree health and survival strategy game & app now available for download.
Sign up for the Royal Horticultural Society’s school gardening courses.

Natural connections research shows outdoor learning can lead to a variety of improved outcomes.
Making Gains report shows outdoor learning residential experiences can help raise attainment.


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