Musical Futures Opportunity

posted by Louise Kirby, YMI Coordinator, Schools & Learning

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Musical Futures Opportunity 

We are looking for 1 primary school who would like to take part in Musical Futures project.   This is a 2 year music project that is aimed at training up teacher of P6/7s classes to deliver the Just Play programme (full training and equipment provided and no musical experience necessary).  We can pay for supply to cover teacher out of school for the training.

School Commitment

  • Commit for 2 years
  • 2/3 class teachers to take the training from P6 and P7
  • Class teachers to deliver the programme with their class
  • Enough room in school to have the equipment in an accessible play

Equipment Provided – 1 Drum Kit, 8 Keyboards, 16 Guitars, Microphone and cables (we can provide hooks for wall to hang guitars) 

The aim of the project is:
To reduce barriers for generalist primary school teachers to deliver inclusive music education in Europe

The intended outcomes are:

  1. More generalist primary school teachers are trained and confident to deliver inclusive approaches for music education in Europe, based on local need.
  2. Better informed and self-sustainable networks of generalist primary school music teachers enabled in Europe
  3. A movement for a more inclusive and accessible music education for primary school pupils is seeded in Europe

This is funded by ERASMUS and YMI.

Please email note of interest and confirm you can fulfil the School Commitment to YMI Coordinator Louise Kirby by Friday 30th September

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