- posted by Rhonda McFarlane, Funding Officer, Chief Executive’s Department
- Do you have plans to expand sports provision at your school?
- Have a project in mind but not sure how you will pay for it?
- Or do you just want to give your school the edge in applying for funds?
With increased competition for fewer funding opportunities our NEW A – Z Guide could be just what you need to kick start your fundraising campaign and give your school the edge. We wanted to share with you some of the lessons we’ve learned during our 30 plus years in fundraising by producing an in depth and comprehensive yet easy to follow guide to fundraising. The Guide features a wide range of funding schemes that support school sports projects and offers advice and tips on how to apply. It’s been developed specifically to give you an insight into the grant making trusts, foundations and the Lottery who want to give you a grant for your project.
Each grant listing contains key information about the funding scheme including:
- An idea of what the funder is looking for in your application
- Type of funding available (capital / revenue) and how much you can apply for
- How and when to apply
- Examples of schools that have successfully applied (where this information is available)
- What the funder will not fund
- Contact Details and Website Address (where available)
Who will benefit from the guide?
The Guide is aimed at newcomers to the art of fundraising and those of you who might have had a go but been disappointed with the outcome. Anyone who currently finds themselves responsible for or involved in fundraising for schools will find this Guide an invaluable addition to their fundraising strategy, this includes:
– Headteachers;
– School Business Mangers,
– Finance Managers,
– Sports Teacher’s
– PTA members.
Local authority education staff and managers within Multi Academy Trusts who may have responsibility for advising individual schools on raising funds from external sources will also find the Guide to be a useful resource.
Why should you buy this Guide?
Our Guide isn’t just another list of funding schemes. It offers added value by way of a best practice guide to writing successful grant applications. Our easy-to-follow ‘how to’ section shows you how you might best approach the task of bidding for funds and resources and provides useful information on
– Understanding grant makers funding criteria
– Establishing the need for your project
– Clearly communicating your case for funding
– Developing an effective exit strategy
– Working with the funder
Can you afford not to get ahead of the competition for funding?
Then be quick off the mark and purchase The A-Z Guide to Sports Funding 2016 at an early bird discount of £19.19 incl. VAT (usual price £23.99 incl. VAT) *
* Orders must be placed before 22nd July 2016 to qualify for the early bird discount.
Grants Online Ltd
26 Eastworth Road
BH31 7PJ
Tel: 01202 823595