Base Guitar Showcase

posted by Louise Kirby, YMI Coordinator and Creative Learning Facilitator, Schools & Learning

Bass Guitar

On Tuesday 22nd March primary 6 & 7 pupils from Warddykes Primary took part in a performance on the stage to showcase what they have been learning at After School Bass Guitar with Mirek to an audience of parents, pupils and staff.

Pupils played bass guitar to these songs supported by Mirek –

La Bamba (Ethan, Blake and Declan), Declans Song (Declan) * song created by Declan, Sunshine for your love (Ethan and Declan), Star Wars (Abbie, Keiran on Bass, Tony and Cameron on mic), James Bond (Tony Cameron and Kyle), Chicken Song (Ruby, Emily, Alivia and Victoriaella)

“I was impressed by the differenced in confidence since we saw them at Christmas.  Well done everyone!” said Jerry Randalls, Instrumental Music Service Officer.

School quote – “I think there was a marked improvement in confidence and children are very engaged in what they have been learning.“ said Mrs McLean, Depute of Warddykes.

Music is taught in an informal way through listening and practicing rather than through books. As well as learning the bass guitar pupil are on social skills such as working together, listening to each other and peer to peer sharing.

Arbroath Academy pupil Owen Ohren who attends and volunteers at Rock College, helped with the set up and dismantle of the equipment to give an opportunity to experience stage management. Owen and Mirek did an improvised jam on the bass guitar. Rock College is also funded by YMI.

Warddkyes Primary School After School Bass Guitar is funded by YMI.

Twitter – @AngusYouthMusic

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