Paddle your own canoe!

Paddle Canoeposted by Gavin Brebner, Senior Worker – Outdoor Education

Earlier this year a Forfar Community Youth Group undertook a project to build a canoe from lemonade bottles!

Paddle CanoeWe believe that this is the first time that any group in Angus has attempted this. The group used a problem solving, experiential approach to the design and construction techniques by looking for answers to challenges as they were encountered and trying out different solutions.

Bottles were sourced by the group and also through support given by Barrs, Strathmore Water, in Forfar who also supplied some of the 216 bottles used to build the canoe.

The canoe was cheap to build, costing no more than £50 in total for glue and other materials.

It was completed in July and launched at Monikie Country Park later that month.

The group were confident that the canoe would float and support the two paddlers. However, there was still some surprise, and a lot of satisfaction, at how well it performed! It was stable and easily paddled! All in the group had a turn at paddling the canoe. It was paddled across the pond and back again without any problems.

Along with the significant achievement of paddling a canoe that they built themselves, the team also gained by developing problem solving and teambuilding skills.

The building of the canoe included a number of educational outcomes; literacies, health and wellbeing, and technologies. However, the project could be used in connection with many areas of Curriculum for Excellence.

Glamis Primary School has expressed interest in building and paddling one of these canoes in connection with their Junior Award Scheme. It is hoped that others may also be keen to take up this challenge.

If any schools are interested, the Outdoor Education Team would be happy to let them see the canoe and give advice on how to build one.

Please contact:
Gavin Brebner, Outdoor Education Team, Monikie Country Park. Tel: 01382 370613



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