Languages Week at Carnoustie High School

posted by Isabelle Gall, Principal Teacher of Modern Languages, Carnoustie High School

Languages Week - CHSFor the fourth year running, the Modern Languages Curriculum Group in Carnoustie High School celebrated the European Day of Languages with a ‘Languages Week’ (September 28th- October 2nd) Pupils had the opportunity to join learning lunches where they could experience a taster of a language along with a taster of food.

On Tuesday, Mrs Fraser and her colleagues, assisted by senior prefects, ran a British Sign Language café, where pupils, in complete silence,  ordered their food and drink by signing. On Wednesday, Mrs Joss introduced the learners to the basics of German and they tried out some German specialties. On Thursday, Ms Jiang had prepared senior Mandarin pupils to deliver a performance for the Moon Festival, which celebrates the September full moon. The event was led by School Captain, Rebecca Cook. Kevin Shand in S5, very bravely sang a traditional Chinese song and Fiona and Susan Muirhead, both in S6, recited a poem about the Moon Goddess. The young audience then had a chance to try Chinese food and practice their chopstick skills.

During Modern Languages lesson, learners were given the opportunity to experience other languages and cultures in games and activities. The aim of the week was to allow the pupils to enjoy the diversity of human communication and cultures and to encourage them to gain awareness and confidence as active global citizens.

2 thoughts on “Languages Week at Carnoustie High School

  1. Sounds like a week of fabulous experiences. I love the idea of connecting the languages with culture (especially food)!


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